Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Green green awesome green, and no I did not scream :)

It turns out that this year green is my accessory colour. Purple is still up there but green is totally making its way up there. And not just any green but Yoshi green (yes he is the N64 character, and he's awesome). Mum just for you he is a lime green colour.

Things I've discovered in the past week:
- Snakes are up there with babies in the something I will never hold unless there is absolutely no way out. Went to a wildlife sanctuary yesterday and they bought out a snake for us to hold. Super super creepy. Carolyn and Jen both held it, but there was no way I was going to, they scare the bejeezes out of me. But I did not scream when the man held it right in front of me.
- I so prefer rollerblading to ice skating.
- Melbourne is far to hot!!!!

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