Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dum Dee Dumm....

Everyone (well mostly everyone) always comments on how I always wear black. First off this is a exageration as I quite often wear colour, especially round home, I just wear black more.

I do think that perhaps I have found the reason for this, well other than the fact that black is just better and I am more comfortable in dark colours. I wore a top with red on it to work yesterday and for some reason everyone decided that they would point it out to me. The amount of 'do you know you are wearing colour' and ' wow you've got red on' that I heard was just crazy. Anyone would think that I hadn't ever worn colour of any kind to work (which I have, take Monday for example I had a dark green top on).

The only people that didnt comment (that normally wouldv'e) was Lesley - she is smarter than that - and Matt. Matt I was fully expecting to comment so when he didnt I was rather surprised. His reasons for not commenting however were so not nice, so I am rather annoyed at him, probably more than if he had made some smart comment like I was anticipating.

Yes boys you cannot win with us females. Say something and it could be bad, say nothing and it's worse :)

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