Saturday, November 15, 2008

The things you miss...

Randomly enough the other day I was thinking about Slater Bugs, more specifically how I haven't seen one for ages, years in fact. This struck me as rather sad, which I found weird as I cant say I was a huge fan of them when they were around, but still I was sad and I cant deny it (not that I would want to really, and well if I hadn't had just told you you wouldn't know that I was even feeling that but now you do and since I'm the only person with authority to post on this blog I typed it and yeah I forgot where this was going already). Back to Slater Bugs, you got any idea why they not around any more? And do you think it would be possible to swap some cockroaches for some Slaters as I have had enough of them for the next heaps of years.
Cheers :)

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