Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So where is home....

They say you should be careful what you put on your blog in case you offend someone, so just thought I would let you know in advance I sorry if I offend you but if I do please let me know so that I don't do it again, cheers.

Everyone is meant to have a home, but I dunno where mine is. Sure going back to Inglewood is semi home, but only cos my parents are there (and not to make them feel any less loved but so are the rest of my teddy's). Wellington was never home, and neither was Auckland though it still tempts me that it could be, even though I know this ain't true. And well Tauranga isn't my home either, and I don't think it ever really will be.
Yes I admit I like it here, as does Glenny and the 10 or so others that are here, but that does not make it home. I love my job and things are good but that doesn't count for home. Do you know what I mean, some places just feel like home while others don't. Inglewood i call my home but it hasn't felt like that since around 4th form, and since then nowhere has.

I wonder if I will ever find a home (even a short term one) or whether I will always jsut want to be moving on to somewhere else. I guess only time will tell

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