Friday, November 21, 2008

It's coming to me... Nup I was wrong...

As I was walking to work today I thought of something that I wanted to tell you, but do you think that I can remember? Nup. My excuse is that it is a long walk and one of the songs I was listening to made me think of it and then of course since its a long walk other songs played and so I forgot what song it was that even made me think of it.

So now onto other things: Do you know how kool it is to have a playlist of only songs that you abosultely love? And how annoying it can be? I have a playlist on my iPod that has the songs that I always want to repeat and play again when I hear them. This is good in the fact that the next song is always one I like but the problem is that I often think 'I'm gonna repeat that one' but then the next one is really good to and I dont, and then I just wanna repeat the whole playlist again.
If you are interested there are 28 songs on the playlist.

On my way to work I often stop at the best little cafe in Tauranga (and it just happens to be on my way) to get a coffee. Now I am still unsure whether it is a good thing that I no longer need to say what I want, I jsut walk in and they make it and stamp my card. Yup I'm a regular. The neat thing is that if I ever get there before they are officially open, they open for me so I don't have to wait outside, makes one feel good that does.

Guide camp is next weekend, for all you excitable people. It should be good. It's a district camp, meaning there will be Bellevue (thats me), Matua and Greerten Guide packs, Brownies to as it a big camp. Fun Fun Fun :)

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