Friday, November 21, 2008

It's coming to me... Nup I was wrong...

As I was walking to work today I thought of something that I wanted to tell you, but do you think that I can remember? Nup. My excuse is that it is a long walk and one of the songs I was listening to made me think of it and then of course since its a long walk other songs played and so I forgot what song it was that even made me think of it.

So now onto other things: Do you know how kool it is to have a playlist of only songs that you abosultely love? And how annoying it can be? I have a playlist on my iPod that has the songs that I always want to repeat and play again when I hear them. This is good in the fact that the next song is always one I like but the problem is that I often think 'I'm gonna repeat that one' but then the next one is really good to and I dont, and then I just wanna repeat the whole playlist again.
If you are interested there are 28 songs on the playlist.

On my way to work I often stop at the best little cafe in Tauranga (and it just happens to be on my way) to get a coffee. Now I am still unsure whether it is a good thing that I no longer need to say what I want, I jsut walk in and they make it and stamp my card. Yup I'm a regular. The neat thing is that if I ever get there before they are officially open, they open for me so I don't have to wait outside, makes one feel good that does.

Guide camp is next weekend, for all you excitable people. It should be good. It's a district camp, meaning there will be Bellevue (thats me), Matua and Greerten Guide packs, Brownies to as it a big camp. Fun Fun Fun :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The things you miss...

Randomly enough the other day I was thinking about Slater Bugs, more specifically how I haven't seen one for ages, years in fact. This struck me as rather sad, which I found weird as I cant say I was a huge fan of them when they were around, but still I was sad and I cant deny it (not that I would want to really, and well if I hadn't had just told you you wouldn't know that I was even feeling that but now you do and since I'm the only person with authority to post on this blog I typed it and yeah I forgot where this was going already). Back to Slater Bugs, you got any idea why they not around any more? And do you think it would be possible to swap some cockroaches for some Slaters as I have had enough of them for the next heaps of years.
Cheers :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So where is home....

They say you should be careful what you put on your blog in case you offend someone, so just thought I would let you know in advance I sorry if I offend you but if I do please let me know so that I don't do it again, cheers.

Everyone is meant to have a home, but I dunno where mine is. Sure going back to Inglewood is semi home, but only cos my parents are there (and not to make them feel any less loved but so are the rest of my teddy's). Wellington was never home, and neither was Auckland though it still tempts me that it could be, even though I know this ain't true. And well Tauranga isn't my home either, and I don't think it ever really will be.
Yes I admit I like it here, as does Glenny and the 10 or so others that are here, but that does not make it home. I love my job and things are good but that doesn't count for home. Do you know what I mean, some places just feel like home while others don't. Inglewood i call my home but it hasn't felt like that since around 4th form, and since then nowhere has.

I wonder if I will ever find a home (even a short term one) or whether I will always jsut want to be moving on to somewhere else. I guess only time will tell

Monday, November 3, 2008

Generation Dead - Daniel Waters

Oakvale High School is just like any other school in America, it even has a reputation for being the best school for living impaired teenagers. No one knows what has triggered the sudden phenomenon of the living impaired (people that are dead but have come back to life, zombies as they are often called), nor why it only seems to affect teenagers. Society has yet to accept the living impaired, especially in Oakvale where there are more and more appearing daily. Matters are not helped when Tommy Williams, one of the living impaired, tries out for the school football team, and things only get worse when Tommy and Phoebe Kendell (a normal teenager) are seen hanging out together.

I felt that Generation Dead did a job at showing racism/prejudice and how it affects the different people in a community and by setting it in a high school it is easy for the reader to relate.

----> This was a teen book and personally not a very good read. Dunno if this is cos I read it straight after Hamlet or not, but it spent to much of the book on why teens were coming back alive without giving an answer which I felt was just plain dumb. But other than that it was good for showing how different people deal with racism/prejudice.

Exciting News :)

Ok so to some of you this wont sound very exciting, infact for most of you it happens most weeks of the year, but I am excited anyway.

I get Tuesday AND Wednesday off this week. That means two days in a row off :) :) :)

The reason that this is exciting is because I havent had two days off in a row since June.

So guess what I am going to do....

Yup that right, I am going to chill out. Was gonna go see Brudda (it cheap movie day on Tuesday and we like the movies) but since I gonna go see him this weekend (on my way to Pukekohe) I think I will just chill out and recover from working six day weeks.