Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Just when you think you have it figured out life throws you a spanner...

Wow, it's been ages since I've posted anything.  Sorry about that, time just got away on me (like it does sometimes).  This is another gluten free themed post, I know I am getting so good at these.... lol.

Got some gluten free soy sauce in a recent grocery shop, and decided to have some with dinner last night.  Which I would say went rather well, until I was partway through my run at the gym and realised something was not sitting quite right... got home in time (thankfully), turns out the gluten free claim on the bottle was not something my body agreed with.  Spent a fair chunk of the night awake with a crock gut, thankfully didn't vomit too many times as it wasn't that much gluten that I consumed, but there were plenty of moments when I wasn't sure that I wasn't going to.  Needless to say I had today off work, have been mostly napping and finding energy to get up and get something to drink/eat.  Not sure I will ever get used to how drained eating gluten makes me, the effort it took to just get up this morning was incredible.  And to think before I was diagnosed that was my standard day, no idea how I coped back then but I guess you do what you have to so I just did.

I did some investigating (thanks Celiac NZ website) as I was curious as to how something labelled gluten free wasn't totally gf and it turns out that products made in NZ and Aus have to meet strict criteria to be able to put the words gluten free on their labels here.  However foods imported from other countries have no checks and it's basically a trust thing, I get to trust that they are actually telling the truth and it is gluten free.  Seems like a big trust to me... And I'm not sure I am down for it at the moment, to be honest.  So for the next wee while atlst I think I am going to be a NZ and Aus product only celiac (with a couple exceptions of tried and true brands of course). 

To end on a happier note I have just finished being stage hand for the show Company done at Theatre Hawkes Bay.  It was a fantastic show, great cast and boy did they have good voices (it is a musical).  And unlike some shows I have been involved in, the cast chatted with us backstage helpers which made each night real fun.  Some shows the cast feel they are above us and we don't get spoken to at all unless it's something they aren't happy with.  This one thought we were included, of course we had our own jokes and whatnot, like backstage crew do hehe.  My next show is Jungle Book which is being done through Aubyn Live in September, it should also be a good show.  As much as I say I don't like kids, it turns out kids in a theatre are tolerable so I'm looking forward to it lol.

Take care all, eat some gluten yumminess for me please (pink iced buns, the long ones, with butter on them is what I'm craving at the moment (moment being the last few months lol)).

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