Sunday, April 16, 2023

Another weirdness in my gluten free life

I have been reacting to the plasters that I wear in the last few months, and while it is annoying I didn't really think too much of it.  Then last night I decided to Google if they were gluten free, for a bit of a laugh cos come on why wouldn't they be.  Well it turns out that the brand I like is not gluten free!! I mean what on earth... How is that even possible??!!  But according to Google the companies response to is it gluten free is 'not gluten-free', and according to the celiac forums I am not the only one reacting to this brand.  The good news is that most others seem ok with other brands, just not Band-Aid brand, so I should be all good to just find another brand I like.  A few can only handle medical tape, though am guessing they are reacting to something else as well, not just gluten.

But yeah, just when you think life can't get any more complicated or weird something like this comes along and shows you that oh yes it can.

On the bright note I am finally back to my old average pace for 5km, being 6 minute kilometres.  So I am happy with that and it gives me to confidence to push for further :) just no falling over till I find me some new plasters lol.

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