Monday, January 2, 2023

2022 in books

As has become a thing in the last few years here is my last year in books (as according to GoodReads anyhow lol) 

Total books read - 70
Total pages read - 22,976
Shortest book - 71 pages (it was a play)
Longest book - 672 pages (surprisingly enough it wasn't either of the Wilbur Smith books I read)
Average Length of book - 328 pages

Here is the breakdown by genre (my genre grouping, not GoodReads so some might be grouped diff to how others would do it lol):
Fantasy - 24
Chick-Lit - 14
Non-Fic - 7
Sci-Fi - 6
Historic Fic - 6
Thriller - 5
Child/Gen Lit - 5
Classic - 3

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