Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Pics from around campus

So, been meaning to put this up for a week or so now, but as you probably know already I am pretty good at the whole oh I’ll do it later or tomorrow or whatever thing, which is why it hasn’t been put up lol.

Anyhow, not much new stuff to say and this post is more a pic one anyhow.  A work related pic one at that, fun right hehe.  As I have been wandering round campus I have been seeing these cool painted rocks, no idea where they are coming from but I do like them.  I have taken photos of some of my favs and thought I would share them with you.

I also found this random but awesome little walkway on Friday when I was going to R Block, would never have known it was there if I had gone the way I normally go, but one of my workmates said there was a quicker way, and they were right :) not only quicker but way prettier as well.  Total win I say.

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