Thursday, October 28, 2021

Long wknd happenings

Well last wknd was a extra long wknd for me, living in Hawke’s Bay we get our anniversary stat the Friday before Labour Day so it’s a 4 day wknd.  When I first moved here I thought that was a bit rubbish as we missed out on a 3 day wknd at some other stage of the year, however now I have been here for a few years it turns out I really like it this way and don’t see why more places didn’t do it lol.

Dad came over this time, to build me a pantry and also to hang out (and of course do other odd jobs that I had found for him to do… hehe).  I think he has done an amazing job with the pantry and it looks super cool.  Like any good creator though he can spot the mistakes and not quite right bits lol.  Good thing I am the one that lives there not him aint it :) hehe.

I also got a fridge off a workmate, turns out procrastinating does pay off.  I was looking at fridge/freezers at work one day thinking I didn’t really want to get one but I really should (have been thinking that for over a year now) and one of my workmates noticed and asked why, when I said I needed to buy one cos mine was on its last legs he said they had a spare they were looking at selling and would I like to buy it.  So a not as expensive as expected fridge/freezer became mine woot woot.  My kitchen is now looking better than ever.  Some stage I will improve the rest of it but that is going to be the expensive bit so it might be down the track some stage.  Plus I don’t know what colour I want to paint it so it can wait lol.

Dad and I also went for a bush walk while he was here.  I had seen a sign for it when I went for my random drive the other week, and decided that I needed to not go alone cos it was not on a highly used road/area.  Boy was I right on the not highly used bit, we basically drove to the middle of nowhere then turned right and drove some more before finally reaching our destination.  It was the Mohi Bush Reserve and it was a very nice walk.  Took the time it said on the sign (well the first sign which said 1hr, the next sign said 1.5hrs which was weird lol) and we made friends with the cows and some sheep along the way.  Not a super flat walk, well in some places it was flat and in others it really wasn’t lol.  There were two walk options and we did choose the longer one, the shorter walk was 30mins I think the sign said.

All in all it was a very good wknd I think :) though 4 days is almost one to many when it comes to getting up for work on Tuesday morning and your brain goes ‘but I’m on holiday, what are you doing!!!’.  I am a survivor though so have managed to get up for work all 3 days this work week so far, one more to go….

My cool new pantry

Mohi Bush Reserve

Yes we both climbed the stile.... hehe

Pretty mossy ground

Maraetotara Waterfall Walk, which we did on our way back to Hastings (very very short, but pretty)

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