Sunday, August 1, 2021

Last post as a 35 year old...

So as we all know my birthday is never just a one day event... cos that would be small and boring lol.  This year it has been a just over a week event, I mean you only turn 36 once so why not :)

On Sunday last week Bro and I headed off on our mini road trip (just a one nighter).  We headed down to Pukaha Mt Bruce Wildlife Centre as our first stop.  Now this place was nice enough, but not quite worth the entrance fee that they charge I don't think.  Was $22 each, and while we enjoyed ourselves it wasn't quite what we were expecting.  A lot of the enclosures were built so well for the birds that we couldn't spot them, maybe we should have stayed longer looking for them but that is not who we are.  We did see the signpost for the lookout so we decided to head that way, both pretty sure the sign said 1.5km.  We were wrong, the sign did not say that.  And there was so much up, and then more up.  And then we found a sign that said 500m to go, and that was wrong too.  Am absolutely positive that we walked way longer than 500m before the lookout was gotten too.  As Bro had headed off in front I actually began to think I had missed a turn off somewhere and that he was sitting there laughing at me, but then I kept going up so I wasn't sure.  Turns out the lookout was pretty obvious, so phew on that.  But the view was only so-so... And the sign post at the top said that the track was 4.5km in total so somehow we both had misread the sign at the bottom.  After our wanderings we headed to the cafe to grab a drink and something to eat, well Bro did, they didn't appear to have any gf stuff and I wasn't in the mood to ask so I didn't.

After Pukaha we headed to Palmerston North for the night and my 'first' bday dinner :) yum yum.  We tried a few of the cocktails at Lonestar and I think I had the better ones to the one Bro had, but that was luck as much as anything lol.

On Monday we headed to Waiouru Army Museum, which was really cool.  Bit miserable weather wise but once we were inside it didn't really matter.  They had some very good displays, and lots of info for those people who aren't like me and actually like reading all that stuff lol.  After wandering around the museum we checked out the Mess Tent, aka the cafe.  I was in the mood to ask what was gf and got the loaded fries cos they sounded pretty good, Bro decided he would steal a few so got him cutlery as well.  When the plate arrived decided he could have way more than a few cos it was huge, and once we tried them we dug in quite enthusiastically, boy were they yum yum yummy :)

After eating as much as we could, plus a little bit more, we headed to Taupo to catch up with Mum and Dad and hit the cd store.  Then we headed back to mine :)

Rest of the week was pretty much a pleasant week off.  Bro headed home on Tuesday, Wednesday I lost myself in a book for the whole day, Thursday I met what is going to be my new team at EIT and then I hung out with Steph and an awfully grizzly George (her toddler who decided he didn't need a nap, he totally did), Friday met up with a friend for coffee, then went to 3 Wise Birds (a local cidery) to read in the sun, then Briar came round for dinner and a movie night.  Ystdy I had a haircut, then I helped with set build for our next production, then Steph and Jenny and I went out for my 'second' bday dinner at Jarks and I got a complimentary bday brownie for dessert nom nom nom, then we went to Aubyn Live to see The Jailhouse Frocks which my friend Sarah was in.  A very good day and night :)

Today I have been chilling and doing chores, and this evening am playing D&D with some friends.  Tomorrow, my actual birthday, Mum and Dad are coming over and we are going to have lunch (probably at Jarks cos why not hehe), then for dinner Viv and Jenny will be joining us and we will be having cake and whatever I decide is for dinner.  The cake is going to have 36 candles on it, cos I can :D

Pukaha Mt Bruce Wildlife Centre

The view from the lookout 

Waiouru Army Museum

Me escaping from the prison camp lol

Oh yeah, Bro painted my wardrobe for me as well when he was here :)

Went to Peka Peka Wetlands the other day, its boring as but super pretty

Thanks Jarks xxx

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