Sunday, July 18, 2021

A celebration wknd

This wknd Jenny and I went to Whanganui to celebrate a few things.  Originally we were going because we were celebrating me finishing the study I did in the first trimester (got an A- for those of you wondering) and Jenny finishing being Production Secretary for Assassins.  But as we are so talented at celebrating we kept adding reasons to celebrate to the wknd.  Some of them were proper reasons, like me getting a new job (yup I'm leaving Radio Kidnappers and will be moving to EIT which is our polytechnic and I will be working in the IT Support Team there), and some were random as reasons like finally remembering to watch Hamilton (it's a movie that has been made from a stage production and we both agreed it was far too overrated and a waste of 2hrs and 40mins which felt soooooooooooo much longer than that).

As well as celebrating we also explored as Jenny can't ever remembering going to Whanganui, and here are some photos we took (yes it was iffy weather but we were brave and risked melting just for these photos.... lol)

Notes: The cool as jacket I'm wearing is my bday pressie to myself, I asked myself if I could open it early and I was super kind and said yup hehe. Also the last photo is a cool dual coloured aeroplane I found in my pack of them :) thanks Rainbow Confectionary for the super cool yumness

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