Monday, September 7, 2020

Quiz update

Ok, so there have been 4 entries so far, thanks all that have entered.

At the moment the leaderboard looks like this:
Ma - 49.5
Dofus - 46.5
Aunty Pam - 30.5
Fishy - 16.5 (guess the paperwork for your 100% got lost... whoops lol)
Hehe looks like someone likes giving half points :) 

Just a few things before I publish the answers, mostly cos even with all entries combined the result does not give 100% so it would seem some extra hints are required.  If anyone would like to answer just these questions, you never know you may jump to the top of the leaderboard (Glenny is still accepting bribes in the form of choc fish if you need some extra help, or just the answer).  And those who have already submitted their answers are most welcome to add to them :)
  • Cleo is rather disappointed that no one got her full name, she does concede that it is not likely to be in writing anywhere, but she does get introduced with her full name when people first meet her.  And she thought this question would be too easy and she wanted it to be what are the names of her pets, haha as if anyone would have got that.  Anyhow, so her full first name in Cleopatra (a couple of you got this right) but she has a middle name, it begins with L and is not what I would call a popular name, some people would not even call it a females name but she is like me and doesn't see why she can't have the name she wants....
  • The countdown to my bday, Dofus is the only person that got the amount of days right but he didn't count backwards to get the date that it starts.  If anyone would like to here is a hint as to when it is, there is a public holiday that many days before my bday so it's easy to remember (ask Doffy if you need to know the number of days you are counting).
  • No one has guessed the superpower I would want yet :( this is a bit sad as I didn't think it was that random.... but apparently it is not something obvious.  Sorry you will need to bribe me or remember what I have verbally told a couple of you for this one, no hints given here.

Answers to the whole quiz will be up in either a few days or when I remember, one or the other, possibly even both if I am more on to it than I sometimes am :)

Oh and yes there are prizes, these will be sent out in the next whenever.  And no I am not telling you what the prizes are being awarded for but top of the leaderboard will be getting one.  And yes I would accept bribes for many answers if anyone wants to try and bump mum off the top (other than Fishy, hitting me and yelling 'me gets 100%' is not a bribe, not even close to one!)

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