Sunday, September 13, 2020

Just a little update

So I've been asked for some more posts with photos, and like the good girl that I am I decided I shall humour you with a post about a nothing special wknd that has photos :) see how kind I am hehe.

Ystdy started with a working bee at the Theatre's rental (which is right next to the theatre).  We had discussed times at the meeting last week and the men decided on 7:30am (I know right, what crazy insaneness is that time???) and Kim and I decided that we would get there around 8am (a much more sane time we decided).  Well when Dad and I rocked up at 8ish we were the first ones there (other than James's friend who was dropping off some tools for our use), then Kim was next.   I doubt either of us will rock up so early next time!  It was a fun working bee, dad was my manual labour but we ended up leaving btwn morning tea and lunch as we felt we weren't really needed and I had other stuff I wanted to do anyhow.  You'll notice I'm not in any of the photos, some would say it's cos I wasn't really doing much, others would probably agree lol

After the working bee, and then lunch, we went down the road to look for a new dining table for me.  I had decided that while the round one was cute and all it was not really all the ideal for day to day living, esp when I have visitors (ie I had to clean it cos it wasn't big enough for my mess plus their mess plus two ppl to eat at) and while dad has his big car here it was the perfect time to shop for a new one as I wouldn't have to pay for delivery and would get it then and there.  We found a real cool one at the first place we looked, it was $200 over my self-imposed budget though so did not get it, and at the second place we found a pretty cool one $200 under budget so that is the one that I got.  As you can see in this picture, Glenny and Big Ted are looking rather smug at my purchase (which by the way has a lot more stuff on it now lol).

I also rehomed a rather familiar face to many of you, I am sure.  He has been getting used to his new home for the past month or so, I didn't want to let him out of his case in case he swum away, but I felt it was time for him to get used to his new bathroom/laundry hiding area and I don't think he will swim away as he seems to like it here.  So when you visit next, please feel free to hunt for him, the rules are the same as before - if you find him you can re-hide him but he has to stay in places he won't get wet and must stay in that room (side note, I hand wash my clothes these days so around the laundry tub is not a stay dry area lol).

Today I caught up on my washing, I did some ystdy as well so that I could.  Both days ended up with a full clothesline which felt like a nice accomplishment.  Even if I was doing my wash in a machine I still think it would have been a good accomplishment, however it was more so now I do it by hand.  Though I still sometimes find it disturbing how dirty the water can be at times... no pic of this by the way.  And no pic of my attempt at a run either.  

However there is a pic of the fish casserole I made today.  Turns out it is actually a real easy thing to make, once you get all the right ingredients :) and thanks mum for the casserole dish that made it possible in the first place :)

As you can see in the next picture the boys were also enjoying the fish casserole....

There is a sizeable dent in the casserole now, dad and I were munching on it as well as some beans while we played Connect 4.  I can safely say that dad is a bit more cunning and puts more thoughts into his moves than Glenny does, and I actually had to think while playing him.  I think it was pretty fair overall though, we both won some and even drew one.  Was fun :)

And now it is time to say goodbye and either play cards or read some more, not sure yet.  I hope you have also had a good wknd, and I will chat with you again some other time xxx

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