Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Why hello there :)

How are you?  I’m good thanks :) just been chilling really, well chilling and taking it easy cos someone went and got a cold, I know it’s like I need to test out all the varieties that are out there for some reason.  And I can safely say that this one is very much not one that anyone would really want, well I know I really don’t want it but it seems like a bit of a keeper, it sure aint budging very easily.  And it don’t seem to matter if I have an arvo nap or not, it’s still there in its completeness so I don’t think its decided to go and visit anyone else.  Ken aint got it which I guess is the main thing.  Can’t make my only workmate sick cos that would just be cruel.


Doffy has been here for a few days, technically he is still here, he is sitting over there on the couch while I am at the table typing this.  He came over so that I didn’t have to take time off work while the plumber was here installing a new toilet and laundry tub.  Am sure starting to look all fancy here now :) its pretty exciting.  To finish off the rooms mum just needs to wallpaper the toilet (it is going to be the same as the hallway) and I (aka probably Dof) need to paint the laundry half of the bathroom.  Eventually there will probably be proper flooring put down but at this the carpet offcuts are working wonderfully so why not keep them employed hehe.


Level 2 life for me is pretty similar to Level 1, only difference is needing to book when I go to Jarks for dinner and we have had to cancel any groups bigger than 2 people for studio time at work.  This is not that annoying as the only ones bigger tend to be school groups and everyone knows my opinion of kids lol.  My other groups (bookclubs, Lions, theatre) all are keeping on going which is nice.  Not sure what will happen production-wise with the theatre if Level 2 is extended but we are not thinking about that yet.  Poor Rob had his last play postponed cos it had just opened when we went into Level 4 and his next one is the next one due to be put on (he is directing them if you are wondering, I believe he does also write the odd play as well though).


So far I have received 2 completed quizzes, which means that on 16.5 points (out of 60) sits Fishy in 2ndplace.  Which also means that he gets the 2nd place prize…. Just saying, surely someone out there is able to beat that lol.  Also mum is the only one that has taken advantage of the bribing for answers, I think it worked very well.  I am still waiting on her entry but with snail mail these days being contracted to actual snails it might be a few more days till I get it.  If you are thinking of entering, you have until I publish the answers on here, which will be any time after the end of August, most likely when I am bored one day…. Oh and depending on how your answers are going you do get points for making me laugh, which is mostly how Fishy’s score got as high as it did hehe.


Don’t think I have much else to add.  Life is trucking along as normal.  Hang out with my friends here when I can, A Study In Literacy (the radio show Luke and I do) is going well, we are doing some episodes live which is always fun.  We have also interviewed a poet, and will be interviewing atlst one author before the end of the year, and hopefully a bookshop owner as well.  So yeah, life is keeping me busy and happy which is always the main things I think.  Oh and of course, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t chuck this part in, the Panthers are still top of the table – woot woot hehe

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