Saturday, August 8, 2020

Just a little random hi to you all

Hey you, how's things going?  I don't know what you are up to but I'm currently watching the Tigers get slayed by the Knights.  I mean that is likely the way it would go in real life, maybe.  Suppose it depends on how much of a surprise attack the Knights do.... Am pretty sure in real life Panthers would munch happily on Raiders so that shall be fun to watch next hehe.

Thank you to everyone who came to my bday party last wknd :) I had a real good night and it was fun to share it with you all.  And thanks for being good sorts and wearing the hats lol, am impressed that Bro was the only one who didn't wear one :) I did feel real special and loved that some of you travelled so far for it, thank you <3 Hope you all also had a great time.

Would say nothing much has been happening here, but am sure to those of you outside of my world would think lots has been happening so I shall try and do a recap for you.  Hmmm ok, so I'm going to go from today backwards:

  • I rearranged my bedroom, I know I know super impt news aye lol
  • I'm taking part in the Hastings District Libraries Turn Up The Heat Adult Reading Challenge - have read three books so far (there are 12 categories and completing 4 or more gets you entry into the main prize draw, that's what I'm aiming for.  There are also weekly prizes, I ain't won one of those yet but there are a few weeks to go)
  • Luke and I did A Study In Literacy live tonight, it was real fun.  Gonna do it live again next week, can't wait :)
  • Went to Theatre HB quiz night last night, and we didn't come last woot woot (3rd to last for those of you wondering)
  • Have become a visiting volunteer with Age Concern (I'm getting paired with an older person who is lonely and I will be visiting with them for atlst an hour a week).  I will be meeting my potential buddy (for lack of a better word) in a couple of weeks.  If we get on then we will be hanging out every week, if we don't (for whatever reason) then I will be re-paired.  Am looking forward to meeting my person, we are only waiting a couple weeks as we have conflicting schedules at this stage (me and the Age Concern Representative I will be going to the first meeting with) but in a couple weeks we both have a free night that also suits the person.
  • Took a week's holiday towards the end of July and went up to Auckland to see Jo and bring her back here. We just chilled (in both locations) and it was awesome fun :)
  • Started a Happy For No Reason course with Carol.  I don't know if you remember but I talked about her in one of my lockdown diary entries, well she is running a course and I managed to get a place on it.  Have been to three sessions so far (there are 8 in total) and it is pretty good.  There are a lot of little things that I am mentally filing away, and some I am putting into practice now
  • Mum and Dad have both visited separately, and both visits were real good.  Mum and I went and checked out a few secondhand book shops and also the library booksale and I now have way more books to read than the shelf space that is allocated to books to read.  Oh what a hard life this is hehe.  Dad did some pottering round my place, as he tends to do when he visits.  Partly (I hope) cos he wants to, and partly cos there is stuff I would like him to do :) all cos I love him obviously hehe
Can't think of anything else that I have been up too, or that is worth noting here for you...  If you know of something you think I should have included please feel free to email or text me, am sure there are stuff that I think are not impt that some of you think are :)

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