Friday, March 27, 2020

Lockdown Day #2

So it’s day number 2, is the novelty still there? Yeah it kinda is in a way.  Atlst the novelty of working while motorsport is playing in the background is still there.  Got to go into work today, don’t think I have ever been quite as excited to go into work as I was this morning.  And it was a good morning as Theatre Themes, which is a show Ken does, was all songs picked by me.  Such a good show.  So I listened to that show then I went for run into work.  It’s not often you get to run into work as often I need my bag of impt stuff (like lunch hehe), so I wanted to make the most of the opportunity.  Worked for a bit, I think I may have talked more than Ken was expecting or wanting but hey there was a human there, an actual in person person, so I had to make the most of the chat opportunity, obviously.  I then ran home, a slightly longer way but no much longer.  I think I got more hellos and more you go girl, keep it ups than I ever do when there are more people out and about.  I would like to think that this lockdown is making people nicer and that they will stay that way when it is over but somehow I doubt it.  Is a nice dream though :)

Other than doing work and pondering options for wording of ads looking for a partner I haven’t done much today.  And no I am not going to place an ad to look for a partner, but it’s kinda fun to think of how you could word them and be truthful yet funny.  Have thought of things like ‘skilled at testing smoke alarms are working while cooking’, ‘talented cook, can even burn fried eggs’, ‘sane, so long as my reality is used as a benchmark not the actual reality’, ‘quirky, cos it looks more fun than weird’.  It’s actually quite fun, I highly recommend giving it a go hehe.

I have also been pondering the fact that the light purple in my room kinda makes Glenny look rather dirty…. Not such a good feature of the purple I must say, however we have discussed it and we are pretty sure Glenny had a bath last decade.  I say we are pretty sure because neither of us can actually remember him having one, but we think he must’ve so there is no chance he can be that dirty, it’s all a trick of the eye that the light purple has managed to pull off.

I may also have gotten bored and decided to see if Glenny would fit in my big jar, the one that had all the paper cranes in it… turns out he can, and he looks pretty awesome I think, he thinks he looks squished lol

Nowhere near 1,000 words today, but then I did drop a bedside table on my toe so I think that is a good excuse.  No I do not type with my toes but hey it’s an excuse and I’m gonna use it hehe.

Also I think that for a government that apparently cares about our mental health they could have made a special clause for people that live alone, that they can have a buddy that they can go visit so that they are not without human contact.  I know I can occasionally go into work but Ken is not the same as chatting and hanging with a friend.  If I break this lockdown thing I think it will be because I just want to see a friend and have a chat with them that is not via text or a phone call.  Just saying….

Anyhow, here is Glenny in a jar so you can also have a laugh :) you are welcome hehe 

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