Sunday, March 29, 2020

Lockdown Day #4

Well I have survived the first weekend of lockdown, well technically I haven’t survived Sunday evening yet but I am pretty sure I will so I feel safe saying I have survived the weekend.  Haven’t done a lot really, well actually ystdy was much more productive than today, and I actually had the terrible thought that this lockdown might be a bad thing for my relationship with my number one slave.  I had this thought after realising that I had just done the three small jobs I was going to get him to do when he visited, not ones he had written down and knew about, but you know, those little jobs you may have that you get your other half to do (or if you are a other half maybe you get asked to do random things every now and then).  Well I did those three jobs ystdy, in all fairness Dof was meant to be visiting this wknd so they are kinda being done on schedule.  Just if I did them already, does that mean I will move onto the bigger jobs, the ones he knows about, before this lockdown is over…. Cos if I do then my slave may realise that he is not actually as required for manual labour stuff as I have led him to believe he is… I swear it is out of love that I do this, love and that I like to still need him to do stuff for me cos its nice when he does.  Dof, if you are reading this, there is one job I will never ever get around to doing and that is the grass, I’ve given up, I just can’t grow grass.  Or kill a lemon tree it turns out but that is another story.

So ystdy, I tidied up my spare room, mostly.  There are still some bits of it that need tidying, but I tidied with a rubbish bag in the room so there was no second guessing and taking stuff out of the rubbish pile before it gets to the bin like there normally is.  Kinda thinking maybe shouldn’t have been so ruthless with a few things but hey, I will forget what I tossed out soon enough and if not one day I am sure these things called shops will be open once more lol.  

I also cut my hair ystdy, it was getting way too long and hairdressers aren’t considered essential (crazy whoever decided they weren’t lol) so I kinda had to do it myself.  It actually doesn’t look that bad, ok so it aint great either but it certainly aint laugh-worthy and I think I can rock it so score one for hairdresser me hehe.

Today has been a much quieter day, and Glenny and I decided that we would have our own space for a day.  No we are not fighting, and he has forgiven me for the jar (mostly), he just didn’t feel like leaving the bedroom and I didn’t feel like arguing the point.  We do this sometimes, I think it is good for our relationship (lol).

Basically watched dvds all morning, then did some baking, and read some.  Then I went to go play on the swings in the park, however the playground is covered in caution tape and is apparently closed.  I know, you are wondering why I didn’t just jump the tape and play anyhow, well I would have but someone has obviously thought of people like me and they had tied the swings together with more tape and knots that I think was necessary, more than could be undone easily that is for sure.  So instead I went and did the Frimley Park Maze that I found the other day while running round the park.  Only took me 20 minutes, most of those walking round and round the same loop lol.  I eventually figured out that there was a part of the maze that I wasn’t getting to, and I figured out how to get there going from the finish to the start but took me ages to work out how to do it from the start to finish.  But don’t worry, I did work it out.  Then I did it from start to finish then from finish back to start.  It was fun.  And I’d just like to say, if there is anyone reading this that was in Frimley Park, early evening today, that didn’t know there was a maze there and saw a young lady walking round in circles pretending she was an airplane (sound effects included), don’t worry, lockdown has not made her crazy, she was like that already.  Why an airplane I hear you asking, well simple, it was that or a train and there were just too many perfect turns to resist the airplane :)

Other than airplane sound effects and yelling at TV (I still do not understand why sports players cannot stop something when they know it happened last time, surely they should be able to stop it happening the second or third time around, they are such poor learners and sometimes need verbal reminders.) I have not really spoken today, no that is a lie, I think I answered myself a few times…. Yeah this lockdown is awesome, not.  I also lost the fun that I was looking forward to which was going into work tomorrow, sad face.  Someone (yes me) has managed to get a cold (it’s just a cold, a normal boring cold, do not worry), and while I would, under normal circumstances, still normally go to work as it’s not a bad cold, these are not normal circumstances so home I will stay and will just talk to Ken via phone, oh yay.

Anyhow now I am off to enjoy some homemade bread and soup (shop brought as don’t have the right ingredients to make my own) for dinner, with homemade apple cake for dessert, yum yum.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Lockdown Day #2

So it’s day number 2, is the novelty still there? Yeah it kinda is in a way.  Atlst the novelty of working while motorsport is playing in the background is still there.  Got to go into work today, don’t think I have ever been quite as excited to go into work as I was this morning.  And it was a good morning as Theatre Themes, which is a show Ken does, was all songs picked by me.  Such a good show.  So I listened to that show then I went for run into work.  It’s not often you get to run into work as often I need my bag of impt stuff (like lunch hehe), so I wanted to make the most of the opportunity.  Worked for a bit, I think I may have talked more than Ken was expecting or wanting but hey there was a human there, an actual in person person, so I had to make the most of the chat opportunity, obviously.  I then ran home, a slightly longer way but no much longer.  I think I got more hellos and more you go girl, keep it ups than I ever do when there are more people out and about.  I would like to think that this lockdown is making people nicer and that they will stay that way when it is over but somehow I doubt it.  Is a nice dream though :)

Other than doing work and pondering options for wording of ads looking for a partner I haven’t done much today.  And no I am not going to place an ad to look for a partner, but it’s kinda fun to think of how you could word them and be truthful yet funny.  Have thought of things like ‘skilled at testing smoke alarms are working while cooking’, ‘talented cook, can even burn fried eggs’, ‘sane, so long as my reality is used as a benchmark not the actual reality’, ‘quirky, cos it looks more fun than weird’.  It’s actually quite fun, I highly recommend giving it a go hehe.

I have also been pondering the fact that the light purple in my room kinda makes Glenny look rather dirty…. Not such a good feature of the purple I must say, however we have discussed it and we are pretty sure Glenny had a bath last decade.  I say we are pretty sure because neither of us can actually remember him having one, but we think he must’ve so there is no chance he can be that dirty, it’s all a trick of the eye that the light purple has managed to pull off.

I may also have gotten bored and decided to see if Glenny would fit in my big jar, the one that had all the paper cranes in it… turns out he can, and he looks pretty awesome I think, he thinks he looks squished lol

Nowhere near 1,000 words today, but then I did drop a bedside table on my toe so I think that is a good excuse.  No I do not type with my toes but hey it’s an excuse and I’m gonna use it hehe.

Also I think that for a government that apparently cares about our mental health they could have made a special clause for people that live alone, that they can have a buddy that they can go visit so that they are not without human contact.  I know I can occasionally go into work but Ken is not the same as chatting and hanging with a friend.  If I break this lockdown thing I think it will be because I just want to see a friend and have a chat with them that is not via text or a phone call.  Just saying….

Anyhow, here is Glenny in a jar so you can also have a laugh :) you are welcome hehe 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lockdown Day #1

So I thought I would keep a blog diary type thing for the duration of lockdown.  Not because I think anything exciting is going to happen but because I think in a few year’s time when this time becomes but a distant memory I will wonder what I did and felt during this period and what better way to keep a record than on my blog.  I do not anticipate me writing something every day, probably more like every few days, but hey you never know, I may just be bored enough or do random enough things each day that they need to be noted.

Today is technically day one of lockdown, I was at home ystdy as well as out of the two of us at work my immune system is the more sketchy one so I am at home.  Although being an essential service we could both be at work, if only someone’s immune system didn’t let them catch pretty much every cold and bug out there, or that is how it feels anyhow.

One thing I have already noticed is that working from home you get more work done in a shorter period of time as there are less distractions, however because there are less distractions the day goes so much slower.  So not fair that one.  The one time I would like time to go a bit faster and it doesn’t.  I wonder if it will get better down the track when I get a bit of the routine going, or if it will stay just as slow, or shudder the thought will time go even slower when the novelty wears off.  I can tell you now there is not much novelty to working alone with no company.  Not that I would like to be stuck here with someone else, that would probably be more annoying given a week’s time, but to not have anyone to talk to seems strange.  I will be going into work once or twice a week to have an in-person catch up with Ken, ah the moments to look forward to lol.  Ken is dropping off a letter on his way home today which says that I work in an essential service so am allowed to be out and about, just in case I get questioned when I am going into work next week. 

Other than work, today I have also watched Bathurst 2015, managed to watch this and work, mostly cos although I can’t remember what happened I did know that someone wins…. No idea who, but I wasn’t too bothered because it’s one of this been and done things.  I have also rearranged my lounge.  Now some of you may be thinking ‘but JB your lounge was a pretty close to perfect set-up, why change it’, and I would answer that there are two main reasons why I would.  Firstly how do you know it can’t be better unless you try something new… and secondly, I was bored! And my bdrm has already been rearranged due to removing everything out of it to paint it in the wknd.  Can’t rearrange the spare room yet because I am not bored enough to tidy it first.  When I get that bored then watch this space lol.

Also went for a run today.  I think I may be a runner at heart, not necessarily a good thing as it is hard on the body, however it is the only form of exercise I miss when I don’t do it for a whil, and it is also the only form of exercise (other than walking) that I stick with for longer than the novelty period.  I am definitely not a long-distance runner any more, or atlst not at the moment.  Managed 3.3km today without stopping, and no it was not a fast 3.3km either.  But so long as I don’t compare it with my running days when I would go for a 16km run for fun then it’s all good.  On a bonus note it leaves much more reading time if you are only running 3.3km instead of 16km lol. 

I am also very pleased to say that although I know I have quite a few friends, I was not aware how many of them would check in with me (via text of course) to make sure I was going to be ok on my own and to offer that I could call them whenever I wanted if I want to speak to another human.  It is a very nice feeling, knowing that there are people out there with their own family stuff going on and what not, that are thinking about those that they know that are on their own for 4 weeks.  

I do have my bears and trolls to keep me company.  Not sure how awesome any of them will be at keeping me sane but hey, we cannot expect miracles all the time lol.  Glenny has already said I cannot delegate work to him, but we will see about that.  He may also just get bored enough or sick of me enough to give it ago before this ends lol.  Not like he could do any major damage, other than take the station off air of course…. So maybe not the smartest idea to delegate to him….  

Look at that, another 100 words and I would have written 1,000 words all about day one, maybe this lockdown business will make a writer out of me, now stop laughing!! People self-publish all the time and they have worse English skills than me so it could happen… maybe….. I know, it’s a total long shot but sometimes those have to be considered so that you know that what you have is actually exactly what you need. Haha I think I would hate to be a writer, much prefer the reading of other people’s writing efforts, plus I don’t think I really want people to read and review the characters and places dreamed up in my head lol.  Wahoo, over 1,000 words, go me lol.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Purple purple purple

I decided recently that I wanted to paint my bdrm purple, and ok so it wasn't so much a decision to do it as it was to do it now cos come on it was always going to be purple in the end lol. I spent last wknd doing the prep work and then bro visited this wknd to help with the painting. And just to make it clear, I did not need male assistance at all for this task, but since I don't like painting very much I roped one in hehe. 

Am very very stoked with how it turned out. Am definitely loving the perks of owning own place, when I decide I wanna do something I just can, well provided I have the ability and finances but otherwise it's all good :) 

Anyhow, admire away lol