Sunday, June 23, 2019

No longer looking like an ex-rental

Finally got my bathroom done :) there were some complications and some stress but ain’t that the way with reno's, or it seems to be atlst that's what I'm learning. It’s looking pretty awesome, if I do say so myself :D and it definitely makes my place look more like a home and less like an ex-rental.  The hallway has also been wallpapered and is looking good :)

It is certainly nice walking down the hallway now and seeing the improvements.  The kitchen also has all the yuck old lino removed and I have carpet offcuts down which is def warmer on my feet and also looks way nicer than the lino ever did.

My grown up awesome looking bathroom :)

The hallway is also looking lovely now its nicely wallpapered

Kitchen floor, if you interested :)

And for those of you wondering what I did with the old bath here it is, turns out it was one of those heavy as cast iron baths so removing it was a bit of a mission, good thing I know a couple of big strong men who like me enough to help me out (well David did, not sure Dof had a choice... lol) 

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