Sunday, March 24, 2019


Done a bit of musing today, and things just seemed to make sense more than sometimes they do so thought would enlighten you all, cos I'm that nice of a person 😊

Realised, while listening to Dave the Dinosaur (host of the awesome kids morning show on Radio Kidnappers) this morning, that fairytales teach kids bad bad things. Take the stories Dave shared this morning that had witches in them, the only basis in the stories that the person was a witch was that she lived alone and was a bit weird/eccentric. And because she was a witch the kids in the stories were mean to her. Now I don't think that's called for at all! And although it's a different reason than the whole 'oh look you have red hair you must be a witch' that people had all those years ago its still targeting me (oh look a post about me, how strange 😛 lol) and that's just rude. Instead I think we should be teaching kids that the crazy single red headed lady that lives down the street is actually the most awesomest person ever and you're super lucky she lives so close so you should thank her in the form of chocolate and jellybeans 😊 now that would make a good lesson of a story for kids 😃

Another revelation I had today was that husbands are like handbags, they can be rather useful and can make life easier but a girl can live without one quite easily and still have an awesome as time 😆

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