Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Once Upon A Christmas Story

Once upon a time is when this story starts.  And once upon a time, in this case is about 365 days ago, and for the purpose of this story we shall call it a year.  Now once upon a time there lived an eccentric spinster.  This amazing spinster lived in a gorgeous two-bedroom unit in the magical city of Hastings, located in the sunny Hawkes Bay.  Although The Spinster hadn’t ever pictured herself living in a sunny location she found that she was loving her new home and that she didn’t want to leave.  She had some very good friends here and her brother was closer than when she lived on the other side of the island (and the other side of the world but that is another story for another time).  She also loved having her own place, and she loved the freedom to do with it what she wished.  Of course being the eccentric spinster she was, she did have a few slaves that helped her as she required, as dreams for a place of your own are not always as simple to carry out as one would wish.  She had a favourite slave, Doffy, who got most of the jobs and responsibilities. Between The Spinster, Doffy and the other slaves, the small unit began to look more and more like her home.  Now don’t underestimate The Spinster and assume that she delegated all the hard work to the slaves, she did do some of it herself, but also don’t overestimate her, she didn’t do that much of it, especially not if she thought a slave would be willing to do the job.  And the slaves did get fed, and Doffy got multiple nights’ accommodation when he visited, so please don’t feel too bad for them either.  Overall it was a perfect arrangement which everyone seemed rather happy with, especially if you didn’t dig too deep into things.

The Spinster saw the start of the year in with her friends who had come to stay and explore this lovely sunny place she was now living in.  They went to the early fireworks the night before so that they would be not too tired to get up for a sunrise.  Now The Spinster was still used to seeing the sun rise over the land and not the ocean after many years living on the other side of the island so she really enjoyed sitting on the beach with her friends and her coffee early that summers morning to watch the sun rise.  And Mother Nature put on great weather as she knew how much it would mean to The Spinster to have such a magical morning.  The rest of the visit with her friends went like a blur, and it was not because of the wine they drunk, it was surely because of all the fun that they had.  The Spinster was sad to see her friends go but knew that there would be other visits with other friends in the upcoming days and also that she would be going to see her friends at times as well.

Not too far into the year, The Spinster had to swap her trusted ride and good friend Spartacus with another named Cleo.  This was one of the sad and happy moments as while she was very sad to part ways with Sparty she was also very happy to be getting a new friend, and being awesome like The Spinster was she loved to make new friends.  Cleo and The Spinster hit it off right away and they have become fast friends.  Cleo can be a tad lazy during the week and often makes The Spinster find her own way to her job but The Spinster does not mind this as it means Cleo has lots of energy in the weekends when The Spinster wants to go catch up with friends that live further afield or go exploring.  Cleo and The Spinster enjoy driving around with good music pumping, sadly the only thing stopping them doing this more often is the cost of Cleo’s food.  If Cleo could find a way to feed herself at no cost to The Spinster, The Spinster is sure they would be off exploring more.

Because she was an awesome independent spinster she worked and did not need to rely on a man to help her pay the bills, however there was one big issue and that was with her job.  She was loving the rest of her life but her job was making her feel not as awesome as she was, so The Spinster decided to look for something new, something better, something more her.  She wrote out what she really wanted from a job and she came up with three main things that the new job needed to include if at all possible.  First she wanted to be able to walk to work, not to save the environment as The Spinster wasn’t that selfless but because she liked the walking to work and not commuting, and as stated before Cleo had become a tad lazy and didn’t like getting up just to take her to work each day.  Second she wanted a challenge, The Spinster was bored of the humdrum of her current job and wanted something that would force her out of her comfort zone, but not all the way out of it as she liked part of that comfort zone, it was nice and cozy and warm.  Third and lastly if she could at all swing it, The Spinster wanted to work for a charitable organization as she wanted to give back to the community, but since she was awesome and independent she needed to get paid while giving back.
            Magically a job that fitted all three of The Spinster’s criteria appeared on her radar and she applied for it even though she wasn’t fully qualified for it, in fact she was barely qualified for it but she was hoping that the big important people would see past the qualifications and look at the heart and passion in her application.  The Spinster was extremely lucky as the big important people did look at the heart and the passion, and at the eccentric, and possibly crazy (it has never been proven hence the possibly), in her and they took a risk and offered her the position so it was that on a bright sunny day in the second month of the year The Spinster walked to her new job at a small community-based radio station which caters for all the minority groups in the sunny Hawke’s Bay.  
For the first couple of months there were four dedicated amazing and uniquely talented individuals working for this small radio station, and then the one training her left for a life of retirement in the country and they were down to three.  Almost six months later another of the awesome individuals left, this one was off to a new adventure over the seas and oceans in a faraway country and that meant only two were left.  This did not mean that The Spinster liked her job any less, in fact she may even have enjoyed it more as now it was just her and her friend Ken it meant that she has some new responsibilities and some of these, like talking to people in the community about what they did, were right up her skill set and she liked the challenge and variety she had.  There did seem to be less hours in every day though and her communicating with a friend in the distant town of Napier was not as regular as it once was.  Now don’t get me wrong, The Spinster was still able to communicate with her friend, it was just limited to emails when they could be squeezed in rather than many per day.  As The Spinster was amazing and rather awesome the less hours in the day did not really lead to any stress or work not getting done, it merely meant that some days she would arrive at work and it would seem that almost straightaway Ken would be sending her home.

It was during this year that we are talking about that The Spinster decided she quite liked baking, she was having fun experimenting with recipes and she even started making bread.  Now the bread she was making tasted way way better than any she could buy in the shops, not that anyone else would know as this was something she didn’t share.  She often shared peanut brownies and weet-bix slice with her boss as he really liked them, as did her main slave Doffy so she tried to have baking for him when he visited.  Being the awesome spinster that she was this did not always happen as some times she just got too busy with other things.  One of her best experiments, in her opinion at least, was her cranberry and white chocolate muffins, and these were the best in her opinion only as she did not share them with any one, they were way to mourish for that.  Not all of her experimenting was a success, some were only eaten as she didn’t want to waste food, however with one batch of something she decided wasting food was a kindness to herself.  Now please do not mistake The Spinsters love for baking to mean that she started cooking as well, don’t be silly.  She did get rather good at dusting the stove before visitors arrived so it looked possibly used and she thought this was a rather good skill to have.    

The Spinster managed to get to see many friends and even some family during this year.  Some came to her, and some she went and saw.  Many fun times were had and much laughter.  She had a few regular, if you can call them that, places she visited.  Partly cos the trips there were fun or the people there were her among her favourites.  One of Cleo and The Spinster’s favourite trips was from sunny Hawkes Bay to a central place known by locals as Taupo, not that there is anything particularly exciting about Taupo and The Spinster most often continued onto Rotorua or Mangakino, however the road from The Spinsters to Taupo was one of her favourite drives.  The other favourite drive of The Spinsters and Cleo’s was the Napier-Taihape Highway.  This road would take her to the rather chilly but gorgeous town of Ohakune.
Perhaps the most exciting visitor The Spinster had all year was her old friend Jo, she is pretty sure they can be considered old friends seeing as they have known each other for many years.  Now the reason this friend was perhaps the most exciting is not because Jo does anything super exciting, nor is she super entertaining, however The Spinster did not expect to be seeing Jo anytime soon as Jo lived on the other side of the world, and The Spinster lived with her when she also lived on the other side of the world.  Now maybe Fate is not the one to credit with them both being in the same country, and The Spinster does not mind, she is just happy they are back in the same country as visiting is much easier this way.

The Spinster did many fun things throughout this year, and she is very thankful for all her family (especially those slaves of hers) and friends for making it the year it was.  She is happily sitting in her beanbag at the moment pondering how she got so lucky, well no she actually isn’t as she knows why.  She is sitting there thinking how for an impulse purchase it is perhaps her favourite seat in her house, and she is also wondering what the two bears sitting in full view have been up to as they were not there before and they are looking rather pleased with themselves, she is also wondering what she has done to end up with both of them for so long and is thinking that perhaps its’ time for one to go back to his dads, knowing full well they will do what they want no matter that Doffy just says they are stuffed toys, cos in this case Doffy does not always know everything and he is mistaken.  Anyhow The Spinster is back on track and hopes everyone out there in this wonderful world has an awesome 2020 like she is planning to do.  No guarantee that there will be a story version of that year though, just be aware that it is going to be another awesome one for The Eccentric Awesome Spinster.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Hanging with my sisters

So I know it's been a while since I have posted, well a few weeks but lots seems to have happen or been going on in that few weeks.  Mostly just chilling and hanging with friends and sisters. 

At the start of November I went to Whareroa to hang with Bridie at the bach, we didn't do much but it was an awesome wknd and was good to get away and just chill I think.  Then Laura came to stay that week and the following wknd (Ted also came over for the wknd) and that was also a fun time.  Yeah not writing much but there will be pics to follow and they show the fun we got up to hehe.

I have another couple wknds away and then I am going to have a few at home, and I am not making plans as such for them.  Mostly because I have only had one wknd at home by myself since the start of August (I have either been away or had visitors for all the other wknds), and I think it's time I had some wknds to do whatever I want in.  I may hang with friends, I may do some of the things on my list of stuff I want done around the house, or I may just hide with a good book and my beanbag for the wknd :) whatever option I pick am sure I will have fun though so don't worry hehe.

 Wknd at the bach with Bridie

 This was the view of the sunrise from my bed :)

 Lol I was trying to not get my legs wet, I failed haha

Wine Bike Tour with Laura

Te Mata Peak with Laura (Ted was there, he took the photo lol)

Cape Kidnappers (beach area entrance to the at the moment closed walk)

 Cleo getting out and about, she likes this view of Napier so asked me to include the photo :)

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hawkes Bay Anniversary and Labour Day

It was a nice long wknd in Hawkes Bay this past wknd.  On Friday we had our anniversary day and I went to the A&P Show with my friend Viv.  It was pretty cool, I liked watching the fencing competition and the wood chopping.  The NZ Wood Chopping Team was there which was quite cool, and I decided I have seen too much wood chopping in NZ as I recognised many of the team members and knew roughly what their handicaps were lol.  The only disappointing thing about the A&P Show, and it's a kinda major thing, is that it was very commercial but not in a farming sense.  I didn't see any tractors for sale, mostly it was cars or fancy as utes (ok so those would be useful on a farm) and many stalls that you see at big markets or gypsy style fairs around the way.  There was also a disappointing amount of craft entries in the craft competition bit which has made me wonder if I should enter some stuff next year.  We will see if I remember that I thought that come this time next year lol.

On Saturday I headed off to Taupo to pick up my friend Jo.  Now for those of you who are wondering, and when you see the pictures think hmmm she looks familiar but not from NZ photos, Jo is my british friend who I lived with in my first flat in Edinburgh.  We met when she was in NZ many years ago, then chilled together a lot when I was in Scotland and now she is back in NZ working for a few years.  Sadly she is in Auckland, but hey Auckland is way closer than the UK so I will take it.  Anyhow she bused to Taupo and I went and got her and then brought her back here.  We spent the wknd just chilling really.  On Sunday we went into Napier to have some fun and chill and so Jo could see some of the things she loved when she lived here.  Possum World was an eye opener for me, I have been here for 18 months and did not that this awesomeness existed.  Such bad taxidermy, such a random museum of sorts but so good and random and funny lol.

Then on Monday we drove back to Taupo where we met up with Mum, Dad and Richard for lunch before Jo got back on the bus to Auckland.  Don't worry though she will be back at some stage and I will be up there to see her as well :)

One of the other highlights of the wknd was that we went and checked out Jungle Cafe in Havelock North.  It is a gluten free cafe and the food was amazing.  Definitely have to go back cos I could have eaten so much more than I did, it all looked amazing and what we got def was amazing.  And it was super cool that we could taste each others dish without either of us getting sick.  Go Jungle Cafe :)

Not really been up to much else, just pottering and trucking along really.  I am now a member of the Hastings Heretaunga Lions Club, the youngest member believe it or not hehe.  It is a good bunch of people, there are around 12 of us varying in ages from me to much older than me.  Viv, who I went to the A&P Show with is from Lions.  I am also happily in two books clubs now, one is the one at Hastings Library which anyone can go along to, and the other one I was invited to join from a current member of it who also goes to the Hastings Library one so that is cool.  I have my first meeting of that one later next month :)  Should be fun.

Other than joining stuff I have also been crafting and sewing, more planning sewing than sewing at the moment and I need a wknd at home to get some of the stuff I want done started.  I have started making my diary for next year as well, it's going to be just as cool as this years one, if not more so :) hehe

Anyhow here are some pics from the wknd with Jo :)

Napier waterfront area


Possum World

Sugar Loaf

Stop on the way back to Taupo, Cleo and I finally have a pic together :)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

10 years ago it was Singapore...

Well 10 years ago, around about this time, I was heading home from India and I met up with mum in Singapore for a weeks holiday of shopping and catching up.  Now a lot has happened in those 10 years, as I am sure you are aware, and both mine and mums circumstances are rather different yet we have still managed to get together for another shopping and catching up holiday, this time round it is in Palmerston North.

I know, not quite as fancy or exciting as Singapore, but we don't have to go through customs, we can buy as much as we want and stuff as big as we want as we don't have to pack it into suitcases, and we don't have to exchange any money, plus we know what food is gluten free cos everything is in English (so what that I wasn't eating gluten free in Singapore, that was just cos no one had been smart enough to figure out what was wrong then).  And ok, we are limited on what we buy cos we still aren't mega rich (dunno how come, I mean surely it's our turn by now.... lol), but that woulda been the same in Singapore.

Cleo also says she is much happier chatting with Feebe in the parking lot of our motel than she would be sitting all alone in the airport carpark, even if it is wet and cold here.  She likes that I can go out and say hi and check that she is ok, and she liked that someone commented on her Kidnappers logos as well, that made her feel real important.

The company is still pretty awesome here, as it would be wherever we are, but that is cos it's me and mum and we can't help being awesome :) hehe.  We have had a fun wknd of catching up and wandering round, and doing some shopping, neither of us has gone crazy spending but we have got some fun stuff and some stuff we have needed which is about all you can ask for when you go shopping.  And most impt we have got me and Ken some pressies for our fun videos :D next week should be a fun one hehe.

We are sadly heading back to reality tomorrow, but since I have some good cds lined up for Cleo it should be a good drive back and then I have Tuesday off as well so some time to chill at home, probably will procrastinate doing anything useful and just chill and be lazy but you never know, maybe I'll do something fun and exciting or atlst something productive.... don't hold your breath though lol

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Palmy through JBs lens

So I'm in Palmerston North this weekend for a CAMA Hui (Community Access Media Alliance Conference), yes work in the weekend but its fun meeting and getting to know all the other Access Station people.  I can say that they are all lovely and friendly people, and we are having a good time chatting and discussing stuff that we find is going well or brainstorming things that we struggle with and generally having a blast getting to know each other.  When I turned up ystdy turns out most of them know who I am from the videos we do on Facebook and Twitter, which did mean I didn't get told everyone's names but atlst they all were super welcoming.  Lol Jo from Planet FM (Auckland) was positive we had met before cos she has seen so many of the videos that she felt like she knew me already :)

I have found the time to wander round Palmy like a tourist with the main purpose to take pics and my aim with the wandering was to see the city as a newbie, not as someone who only comes here to shop and doesn't pay attention to the beautiful stuff around the place.  As per normal when a steeple can be seen in the distance my feet inevitably take me there, and I am never disappointed with the church under the steeple, though sometimes I am disappointed that the camera won't take a photo that does it justice.  Anyhow, below are photos from around Palmy, things that have captured my interest or intrigued me, or just made me stop and go woah cool :) some have captions/explanations, some don't, and yes I know that they are even grouped by location but tough, I am sure you will survive hehe.  

And here they are in no particular order....

Mum if you had just stayed at BNZ you coulda got yourself a camper :p lol

We went to Shed 23 last night for a meet and greet, it had a room with heaps of instruments that are to be played not just looked at.  Turns out I'm still horribly unmusical but I had fun, and many laughs :)

This is the street outside the hotel I'm staying at, so cool

If you saw this on the street, would you hopscotch it or just walk past?  I hopscotched both, of course :)

A very cool lady's toilet sign

This sign made me think of you Aunty Robyn :) no frogs were parked here though :( lol

Just liked this randomly placed small tree lol