Monday, October 22, 2018

Samara takes me to the most 'interesting' places lol

This wknd has been an extra long one for me as now that I live in the Bay I get Hawke's Bay anniversary which is the Friday before Labour Day, so 4 day wknd, score! And awesomely Hawke's Bay anniversary coincides with the last day of the A&P show, so that's where Samara and I headed on Friday morning. Was pretty awesome, watched heaps of wood chopping, saw the chickens and sheep and bulls and alpacas and clydesdale horses and a gecko and weta, even saw a police tractor which had the whirly lights and everything :) recognised some of the names and faces of the wood choppers, turned out they were the ones from Taranaki, maybe I watch a bit much wood chopping at events like that but am sure that's not a bad thing :) even found out how the handicap system works which was cool, for those wondering they get 1 second added for every $50 they made in that event at the last round. So the dudes that start at 23 or 25 are not only better but richer than those who start at 3 hehe.
We also checked out a talk by the ladies from Hapi (a gluten free organic cafe in Napier) which was pretty cool. Did have a gluten free hotdog, the type that is a sausage in a bun which ain't had for ages, for lunch from the stall they had. It was super yum and I wished I coulda fitted two in.

After the show we came back to mine to make sangria and get dinner organised cos we were going to see David (Samara's partner) gig later that night. The sangria was awesome and we played board games as well which was fun. Samara doesn't like playing cards with me no more :( not my fault I won every hand at each game we played last time. We had polenta and meatballs for tea, not sure I'd recommend polenta but as Samara cooked it I didn't complain, much. If your wondering it's not unusual for me to get kicked out of my kitchen when they are here, they like cooking and I apparently just get in the way :)

David's gig at the Common Room was once again interesting. Not him and Michael being interesting, the crowd. Him and Michael are real good, love watching them play. They just have fun and don't seem to care if crowd likes them or not which makes it fun to watch. There were some definite weirdos in the crowd this time, some same as last time, some new. Spent a fair chunk of the evening laughing hard, and a fair chunk yawning while getting the evils from David, lol Samara was yawning too so I wasn't alone in getting the evils.

Saturday morning I chilled then just after lunch I headed into Napier to pick up Samara and we headed out to Zeffer Cidery for their grand opening. We didn't stay long as there was pretty much no shade and there were so many kids. It was way too hot to chill there so we had one quick drink while ppl watching, boy were there some pink ppl already, silly kiwis who still don't get the cover up and sunscreen idea. We are going to go back some other wknd though as it is a nice place and they do good cider.

After we left we just chilled at hers till we headed into town for White Night. White Night is a free art event that kicks off the art festival, some of the streets are closed and galleries are open in the evening for free with activities and performances also happening. We started off by going to the Municipal Theater to see Pango. This was a performance by a dance group from Wellington and it told the story of the Maori version of creation. Samara and I have decided that we are really not fans of interpretive dance. Boy was it weird, and disturbing in places, extremely disturbing in a couple places. We are pretty sure there was cannibalism in it, and a birth, but we aren't 100% certain. Definitely don't think kids should have seen it but there were heaps there. Bits were also really good tho, but overall I'm going with it was interesting....
After the performance we wandered round the galleries, caught another interpretive dance performance which just solidified our belief that we aren't fans. Some of the art we saw was pretty cool tho. Best part would've def been the White Room at the CAN where for $2 you got a sheet of white dots to help decorate room, so much fun. Below are pics :)

Sunday went shopping with Samara and her mum, her mum was getting new glasses and wanted our opinions, and we all just wanted to shop some as well. Was a very good day, even if uneventful compared to the past two days.

Today I just chilled in Hastings. Bit of shopping, lots of pottering, some relaxing. I have changed my spare room from a guest and craft room to just a craft room :) so much better now. It has a table where the bed was so I can now cut and pin fabric on something other than lap or floor :) have also put the pictures I coloured from the dress colouring book on the wall for inspiration. Have more space in there for creating now which is cool, cos yeah having a whole lounge ain't enough lol. Do have an airbed for those visitors who I can't say no to, that was my shopping this morning. See I do kinda care, maybe, if I have to lol.

My dot creation 

The White Room

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