Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Relaxing and Rambling with the Raglan Rallies

This wknd Uncle Terry and Aunty Kay came over to visit which was awesome. I got to show off my new place, and put Uncle Terry to work hehe. His choice actually cos I did say could wait for Dof but being the nice Miller Male he is he got right to work which meant Aunty Kay and I could have a good girls catch up in the sun 😀

On Saturday afternoon we went for a walk up Bluff Hill and saw the port from above, and on the way back to town I showed them the hilarious danger signs around that area. We stopped off at Matisse for a wine (beer for Uncle Terry) and a snack, as always great service, great music, good wine and the food was amazing too. After some more catching up at their motel I finally headed home.

Sunday morning I pottered at home while they went for a walk along the coastal pathway, I'm still not sure what it's official name is but that seems fitting. And in the afternoon we went to the National Aquarium of NZ. Was actually pretty cool 😀 we saw the sharks being fed, lots and lots of turtles and the penguins were having a blast playing in the spray intake things in their pool.

Monday morning Uncle Terry and I went for a wander on Te Mata Peak. We did the blue track, when we finally found it, I may have taken us on a couple sightseeing tracks first hehe. Then Uncle Terry had a nap (he is a grandpa after all, and he will claim he didn't nap hehe) while Aunty Kay and I went to the secondhand bookshop just up the road. I had heard good things about it and was not disappointed, it's fantastic inside and definitely won't be helping me save money and will probably result in me definitely needing a second bookcase lol. We finished off Monday with dinner at mine, managed to cook without setting off the smoke alarm that dad nicely fitted for me, mostly cos I've learnt to shut the hall door when I'm cooking hehe.

Was a great wknd and the weather behaved for us, was nice and sunny if a lil chilly but that's OK 😀

National Aquarium of NZ

Te Mata Peak

1 comment:

Pam said...

You sure had a good time. Can't quite read the good/bad penguin notice.
Looking forward to catching up early October. Will get the dates to you soon.