Sunday, February 25, 2018

Exploring has started

Missie and I went exploring our new home ystdy.  Not heaps of exploring cos it got hot, not as hot as today though but still hot enough.  We started by going to a couple of op-shops, didn’t buy anything but was fun looking.  We then headed to the Napier Botanical Gardens, which just gotta warn you are nowhere near as good as Edinburgh L I think Edinburgh may have ruined me for Botanical Gardens, they were just way much better than any others I have seen.  Anyhow back to Napier, there wasn’t really anything majorly wrong with the gardens they just weren’t really anything much, nothing to write home about as they say.  The one saving grace was that at the top of the hill I found the Napier Cemetery.  Any gardens next to a cemetery get bonus points from me J

After the gardens and the cemetery we headed to Bluff Hill to the lookout area.  Found some logs for Bro but he didn’t seem to want them for some reason L Haha we walked to the lookout cos we saw a sign that said pedestrian access to Bluff Hill so Spartz stopped and let us out.  When we got to the lookout it turned out we coulda driven and Spartz coulda almost seen the view as well.  Oh well maybe next time.  We probably just wanted to climb some steps cos its been a while since done that last lol.

We then drove round the bay, past the port where there were even more logs for Bro and these ones were on a train all ready to just go to him, to see what was there cos we had heard there were some lovely cafes and nice bars there.  Took a wrong turn so only saw these from a distance but they did look good haha.  Spartz is very good at sightseeing over here (hehe) J but we do always manage to find our way back to where we are staying. 

This past week we have also been for a couple of walks around this area and a bike ride just to see what’s what.  We are staying in a new-ish subdivision area so there is basically just houses all around, nothing real fun to look at or explore unless we go further away but I do feel bad not giving Spartz a day off, hence why today we chilled hehe. 

Napier Botanical Gardens
So kind of them to put a sign warning me of Missie hiding in the tree hehe

We like this bridge, but there was no water :( guessing its a summer water restrictions thing or something

Coolest tree ever :)

Just liked these ones 

This tree looked way more yellow on the day... Missie liked it cos it was bright like her

Sign, cos why not

Napier Cemetery

Bluff Hill Lookout 
Bro's logs

Some sort of compass thing

We just liked this view

Dunno what was with this trig but it totally counts as a trig :)

Thursday, February 8, 2018

We been mountaining again

Missie, Smyly, me and Dof went for a wander this morning, not that you can tell from the pics but we promise we went.  Missie and Smyly just didn’t seem to be in the mood for photos during the walk. And Missie got bored waiting for Smyly and Dof to turn up so we filled in time taking some photos with Darth at the start else there prob wouldn’t be any pics at all haha.  Well except for Missie and her new friend The Kiwi, she seemed to get on quite well with him.

Judging by the long range weather forecast, which I know is generally completely unreliable but still, it might be the last wander we do up the hill for a while - seems like we are in for a wet next week or so, guess the Naki is sad I am leaving lol.  Not sure if I will miss my mountain all that much, I mean yes I love looking out the window and seeing it but when it comes to walking on it I am not so sure.  Seems to be getting steeper and the steep bits are lasting longer than they used to (no its not just cos I am old, am positive the mountain is the one changing lol).  The views are still pretty cool though, those I do like :)

Sunday, February 4, 2018

From the Tasman Sea to the Pacific Ocean

Some of you already know this, but we are moving.  We being Me, Glenny, Missie and Spartz (E.J. and co will follow eventually).  I have got myself a job over in Napier working for their Council in the Records Team so we are relocating.  Have a couple more weeks left in Taranaki then its off to our new adventure :)

Sunday Funday Part Three

This morning Spartz, Missie and I went for an explore.

Missie and I started doing the Stony River Walk but didn't complete it for a couple reasons.
1. It was not what we were expecting, it was mostly walking over farmland and we didn't feel that safe doing it by ourselves, and
2. My feet were soaking within a few minutes, even with semi waterproof tramping boots on.
We did still get some cool pics so we decided it wasn't a wasted effort.

Then I showed Missie the seat that I built and she was pretty proud of me for my efforts :) and before you ask, no I didn't install it I just built it in the workshop at work while the Hard Landscape dudes watched (apparently they don't normally get chicks building stuff in their workshop).

We also took Spartz to the beach, and he agreed with us that while the view is cool there is not much to do at a beach so its kinda overrated hehe.

We finished the morning off at the Tea House with Bridie, who we went and collected for coffee :)

Stony River Walk

This is the seat that Jill built... lol

 The beach, because we could :)