Friday, March 31, 2017

I is still around

Just thought I would let ya all know that I am still alive and kicking, not posted for a while cos not much has been happening that is exciting, just been doing what I do best which is having fun and chilling with Glenny :)

This past week has been a pretty busy week for me though, well relatively speaking.  I submitted my first lot of assignments and should have marks back in two weeks time so then I will know how I am going, its always a bit tricky before the first lot of marks I find as its hard to know if you are taking it all in how it is meant to be taken in etc.

I have also got myself a part time job, woot woot.  I am going back to the Parks Team at NPDC but not in the same role as I was in when I to Scotland.  Should be a good job to fit in around study and I know its a great team to be re-joining.

I also finished Hart of Dixie this week, its a tv show for those who do not know.  I watched season 3 and 4 this week, so so good.  It is the show that I learnt you can actually watch 14 hours straight of tv and your brain does not explode, in fact nothing actually happens cept you are pretty zombie-like the next day (I started after lunch lol).  The show solidified my belief that I need to go find me a cowboy, not necessarily a bull riding cowboy but a southern gentleman cowboy :) If I am rich when I finish study I am off on my search :)

Glenny and Fishy have also found how cool Nerf guns are and we have been having loads of fun and have had to hunt round bro's flat for the bullets a few times.  Glenny is a pretty decent teammate, believe it or not :)  and I found a way to make both him and Fishy look kinda smart, hehe bro put my glasses on them :) yes we are having fun :)

Today I also tried to lighten my hair using household ingredients, I tried that salt and water one cos it was handy and easy plus isn't meant to take ages like lemon juice does.  Good news is my hair didn't fall out, bad news is no lightening happened :( boo hair, not cool.

Other than some colouring in and a lil bit of sewing aint really been up to much else, well other than bugging bro but that is part of the lil sis job description so something I just gotta find time for :p hehe

And thats about it...
Till next time atlas :)

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