Thursday, March 16, 2017

Crossword Answers

Hey all, hope you had fun with the crossword :) I know some of you had a few you couldn't get but hope you enjoyed the trying.  Aunty Pam has given me a great idea for another puzzle so that will coming in a few weeks time or so :)

Here are the answers to the crossword:
Across: 2. Spartacus, 3. Chevrolet, 6. Autumn, 7. Inglewood, 8. Applied Science, 11. Thirty One, 13. Isabella, 14. Three, 15. Library, 17. Edinburgh
Down: 1. Baddy Dofus, 3. Canada, 4. Tresna, 5. Missie, 9. Purple, 10. Glenny, 12. Celiac, 14. Taranaki, 16. Ruby

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