Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yes it's been a while...

I've been busy/avoiding the internet lol. 

But it does mean I have a few things to mention...

First it snowed a few wknds ago, not lots but still enough to go for a wander in it. Took Missie with me but turns out she doesn't really like snow all that much, it's just cold and wet - her words. She was mad at me for a while cos I made it sound real fun but she's over that now and is talking to me again, phew. 

Also am moving flats in a couple weeks, am moving in with a friend who lives closer to work. Am excited as room will be bigger and it's a newer place to :) if you want my new address please let me know. 

Have a weeks holiday coming up at the end of March and am still deciding what to do for it, thinking maybe snowboarding for a few days (if there is still some snow) and/or maybe some traveling and sightseeing. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know :)

Pics of snow

Missie making a snow angel

Well earned cake and hot choc :) 

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