Sunday, November 1, 2015

Luzern in pictures

One of the old bridges

A cool art piece in a church graveyard

My faithful map reader :)

The Dying Lion (its a carving in a rock face that is meant to be something all imp but is kinda a lil funny hehe)

Missie chilling out at the top of one of the towers along the wall

One of the many random painting along the oldest timber bridge

Taking a break during one of our busy days exploring

I just liked this building :)

Part of the half marathon route, taken the day before the run when we biked it 

Another section of the run, it sure was a pretty run even if I was a lil flat lol

After the run, we are all stoked and proud to wear our hard earned t-shirts :)

Chilling by the lake

Making new friends in a park

I just like the colour of this tree :)

We liked the colour of all the trees in the background but no photo would do them justice :(

Just because and its so true :)

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