Sunday, November 29, 2015

Meet Russ

Yesterday at work we were fundraising for Teenage Cancer Trust and had a bake sale, as part of the bake sale a lady also brought along some teddy bears to be sold. She collects abandoned bears and cleans them up and fixes them if they need repairs and then writes them a lil story and puts them up for adoption, for a donation you can take one home with the proceeds going to charity. Gotta admit being on the bake sale stall with the teddys hanging out with us was a good test of my willpower. Russ got put aside almost immediately for me tho, and he sat on the floor next to me and he guarded my food till it was time to go back to work then he moved up to my desk and helped me out :) now he's chilling on my bed with Missie and Harry. 
Here he is with his lil story :) 

Isn't he gorgeous :) and yes he will be well looked after and he has other bear friends again as well :) I think he'll be nice and happy 

Friday, November 20, 2015

And the forecast is for brrrrrrrr....

This is what my Saturday looks like weather-wise, and to think it's still technically autumn... I think winter has well and truely arrived to be honest! 

Time to rug up warm

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Snow, snow, snow :)

Got our first lot of snow today :) it didn't settle in the city but there was lots swirling around in the air and some settled for a minute or two then disappeared but still it was snow :) and The Pentlands have snow on them now :) it's just a dusting really but still they are white and it's snow :) :) :)

Made me super happy and my workmates happy, them cos they were amused/laughing at the fact I was like an excited lil kid with my nose pressed to the window then jumping with joy hehe :) I don't care, it meant we was all happy :) and for a previously tired cranky Jill it was a good thing. Tired happy Jill way better lol

Monday, November 2, 2015

Half marathon pics and a vid

So turns out there was a video being taken while we were running, click the link if you wish to see it. There is obviously advertising at the start and at the end it is the route in very fast forward from the lead car, but in the middle you can catch glimpses of me running and crossing the finish line :)

Jill running Swiss City Half Marathon

And here are a couple pics so you know what I'm wearing and might be able to therefore spot me amongst all the runners lol (and yes Dad in the area lit with blue the first marathon runner has overtaken me).


So I spent a few hours in Zurich before I flew out on Tuesday, can safely say that I think Luzern is way prettier and definitely more fun to explore.  The pics are all pretty much just random ones that I took cos I liked the look of something, cept for the one with the caption that one I knew what it was, well I think I did lol.

Zurich Opera House (I am pretty sure lol)

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Luzern in pictures

One of the old bridges

A cool art piece in a church graveyard

My faithful map reader :)

The Dying Lion (its a carving in a rock face that is meant to be something all imp but is kinda a lil funny hehe)

Missie chilling out at the top of one of the towers along the wall

One of the many random painting along the oldest timber bridge

Taking a break during one of our busy days exploring

I just liked this building :)

Part of the half marathon route, taken the day before the run when we biked it 

Another section of the run, it sure was a pretty run even if I was a lil flat lol

After the run, we are all stoked and proud to wear our hard earned t-shirts :)

Chilling by the lake

Making new friends in a park

I just like the colour of this tree :)

We liked the colour of all the trees in the background but no photo would do them justice :(

Just because and its so true :)