Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Great Edinburgh Gluten Free Burger Hunt

So I've decided it's my duty to find the best gluten free burger place in Edinburgh :) I have created a rating system and after trying each place will write up what I think and its rating and also rank them :) I know it's gonna be difficult but I think I'll be up for it hehe

So the ratings are gonna be outta 5. Seeing as the best gluten free burger I had in NZ was at Black Harp the ratings are based on there and are as follows:
1. Not even worth comparing to Black Harp.
2. Good but not really that close to Black Harp.
3. Very very close to being as good as Black Harp.
4. As amazing as Black Harp.
5. Better than Black Harp.
I am pretty sure that I am not going to give out a 5 at all but I am willing to suffer through lots of different burgers to make sure hehe, not even sure if anywhere will get a 4, Black Harp have something special and that is why I love them :)

The first place I went to was on my birthday, Gourmet Burger Kitchen. Gotta admit that for all the hype they gave themselves I was disappointed. The bun was dry and yuck and the burger itself wasn't all that great either. Plus their chips weren't gluten free so that was a major mark down. They scored a 1 and don't make it onto the rankings at all. 

The second place was Burger. The first time I went there I was so hungry I inhaled the burger and figured I couldn't rate it that time round and would need to go back. Not really all that hard as they are just down the road from work :) hehe. The next time I went I ate in and got the chips as well. Again I ate the burger real fast, so fast I gave myself indigestion lol. It was an amazing burger and amazing chips :) so so good. I am giving them a 3 overall :) 

The third place I went to was Holyrood 9A, I went there with Jo and Ben :) it was pretty good, we had to wait forever (over 40mins) for our food, it was a busy Friday night but still. The chips were pretty amazing and the burger was very good. Not the best bun ever but still was real nice, and the chips were amazing lol. Overall they get a 3.

So at this stage the rankings are:
1. Holyrood 9A
2. Burger. (Yes the fullstop is part of the name)

And yes the rankings might change if I go back to somewhere and have decided they have improved or gotten worse or whatever but the rating doesn't, they only get one and it's from the first visit. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Running, just keep running...

Sometimes I think you have a lot to answer for Doffy, because of you the bookworm JB who was happy just curled up all weekend with a book or two or three is gone. Today woulda been a perfect day to just read and do nothing else but nooooooo the new crazy insane JB went for a 14km run cos she has a half marathon coming up in just over a month. Can't remember who I've told and who I haven't but I am doing a half marathon with a friend in Switzerland at the end of October so am in training at the moment. Is pretty fun to be honest, even when I am sore and think I hate it in reality I love running. Think MapMyRun is broken though, that's the app that I use to track my runs, it tells me how far I've gone and speed overall as well as speed per km. Reason I think it's broken is cos it says I ran the 14km with an average pace of 5.47min/km, I don't often average under 6min kms but I'm totally taking it :) hehe. 

Hope you all have had good weekends to :) 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Not feeling loved :(

Not sure if no one reads my blog or if you just don't care what I post but I never did the second post I mentioned I would in the last post (over 10 days ago) and no one has asked me when it was coming or anything... 

:( so yeah not feeling so loved right now 

PS bro if you have in one of the emails you've sent that I haven't yet checked then I apologize, but only to you. If you have mentioned it then see above to the sad face 

PS #2 this wasn't a test I literally forgot to do it and now I've just realised that not only am I forgetful but I'm unloved to :(

Monday, September 7, 2015

Pretty much perfect :)

Ok so my weekly updating of my blog is not off to a great start but that's ok, this is me after all :) 

This weekend has been pretty much perfect. Nothing spectacular but still awesome as. Friday night went to a movie after work (Straight Outta Compton), was pretty cool when you look past the fact that they kinda glorified the main stars and ignored all the bad that they did - it's based on a true story of some rappers who made it big back in the 90s. Then on the way home I had a burger from Burger. - more on that in another post. And then I walked home in the rain and it was awesome :) work that day was pretty good to. And in the evening me, Jo and Ben all shared my bday champagne while we caught up on our day :)

Saturday I chilled out all morning, then went and got a hair cut (dont panic, it was just a trim and style as changing part position), then wandered the shops. Got my new favourite hoodie, it's a Dr Who one - white with lots of different Dr Who quotes and images in black. It might even be more worn than the one I borrowed from Doffy and never ended up returning hehe. Did get some other stuff to like headbands, couple t-shirts and nail polish. Then just chilled again in the evening. 

Today was also a chilled out morning, then Jo and I went to Elephants and Bagels for lunch, turned out I was the only GF person in ystdy and they remembered me (they generally do remember that I need a separate toaster which is cool), then we went shopping and I got some cool pj pants and awesome as boots. Then I went home and chilled for a bit before going to the gym - 5.8 miles in 60 mins, not too bad :) Now eating dinner and thinking how awesome this wknd was and that you should all know about it so am typing this :) Hoping you all had good wknds to :) 

Oh and PS my thumb is doing much better, gotta love antibiotics. Is now just pink where a layer or so of skin is missing and have the feeling back in it :) :) :)