Sunday, December 7, 2014

Baking is dangerous :(

Making cupcakes is not safe!! Just thought would be best if I warned you all. 

Making cupcakes tonight and it resulted in blood, my blood :( and wasn't even when I was using a sharp knife, I mean that I would expect but nope this was the cocoa tin beating me up :( so not cool. 

P.S Bridie, maybe don't read this till you already had one as there may be some lil tiny drops of bloods that got into the mix -whoops :p 

P.P.S they still taste wicked good hehe

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Am just a lil bit crazy...

So me and a couple friends have decided that we are going to do the Oxfam Trailwalker which is walking 100km in under 36 hours (we are going to do it in under 24 hours though!).  As part of this we need to raise at least $2,000.

If you would like to donate and/or check out our page and become a supporter you can do that here -

You can also buy the Oxfam Unwrapped gifts and have a little bit go towards our team if you don't want to just donate money, you can check out the unwrapped gifts here -

I would totally suggest you check out our page regularly as this will have our training updates on it and you will be able to see how we are going.  Should be a fun event that will push us all physically and mentally and be something to remember for years to come.

Thanks in advance for all your support :) :) :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Stupid dumb computer

decided to mess with all my play counts on iTunes and make songs I don't listen to much if at all have high as play counts so have had to reset all play counts :(

So annoying as was just getting some of the playlists sorted with most played and almost most played etc and now have to start from scratch again.  Grrr at dumb technology messing with my awesome system that I totally had working so well.  I mean seriously in what world do I listen to a live Poison song more than 500 times in less than a year??? I am not that crazy.  And it didn't even have some of my top listened to songs at the top of the list when I know that I listen to them more that the songs I've never even heard of.

Oh well, seems to be on par for iTunes as have had to reset play counts a few times now.  You may be wondering why I even bother, why I don't just ignore the counts and enjoy the music.  And I don't have an answer for you, all I know is that it bugs the crap out of me to not have it right and to have to start again.  Thanks iTunes you totally made my evening - not!!!!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mowing the lawns is dangerous!!!

For once I managed to avoid all the rose bush and lemon tree attacks and instead got attacked by a tree which ripped out my earring :( ouch!!! Seems me and mowing the lawns might be kinda hazardous, always seems to end with blood :(

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Would you guys rather have more regular updates and longer ones, random like now but longer or happy as with what you getting??? 

No promises but have your say and I'll see about doing my best to accommodate the majority :)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Words of wisdom

If you are going to get a black toe I suggest you know how and when you do it, turns out it's not actually fun to wake up one morning with a throbbing toe and not know how or when you hurt it. Just a lot of stupid pain for no real reason :( not even cool it's gone half black if not know how.

Decided I'm going with the whole opened a door on foot cos it has happened before so maybe I did it again but this time better :) hehe

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Done and dusted

2hr 13min 21sec :)
Totally stoked (wanted to do in under 2hr 15min) pretty great for first time I think :)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

What a difference the right diagnosis makes

Two years ago I was one of those people on the drinks stations at marathons and half marathons and even that was an effort, standing for such a long period would tire me out. And now I'm going to be one of those people doing the running  in the half marathon. Never would have thought that just cutting out a type of food would make all the difference but it totally has :) 

Friday, September 12, 2014

I'm a cover girl :)

Hehe - was the talk of work today, seems I'm super famous now but don't worry I'll still have time for my friends and family :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Relaxing Sunday

As all sundays should be, we just relaxing today :) gone for a short stroll on mountain which although is being shy is still gorgeous :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

I'm superman :)

Went for a 14km 90min run this arvo :) am basically a superhero now hehe and ready to take on the world :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Almost over :(

Beaut day up the mountain today. Beginning to get the hang of snowboarding, almost semi-decent at it by now :) by end of day was doing good runs with mosty turning and very little falling leaf :) so proud of me hehe

Gotta go home moro, will miss boarding every day but think my body will love the break hehe it's a lil broken at mo

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sore, tired and happy

So holiday is going very well. Had 3 days up the snow, 1 not great weather (very windy) but the other 2 were bluebird conditions (perfect).  

Got me a new board which is good as means I can progress and get better (old board turns out was a kids board which is why I struggled to do anything much on it), the main downside to having it is that getting better hurts lots :( have been falling heaps while working on getting better. Soon though, hopefully, it will pay off and I'll be pretty good :)

Being tired is not so great either, scratched myself this morning while getting dressed, don't ask how as I'm not sure but I do know I have a noticeable scratch on my cheek as evidence lol atlst you no JB will be JB whereever she is :)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

No snow for Jill :(

Winds were so strong that even walking from car to start of ski area I was getting blowd around, no way was I getting on a board that would make it easier for Mother Nature to make me fall spectacularly, I can do that easy enough on own lol

Friday, August 22, 2014

Freezing cold and awesome

No snow today but that didn't stop us having fun. Mary and I went rafting instead :) freezing but so much fun :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Snow, snow, glorious snow

So in the weekend we (Bridie and I) went up to Mt Ruapehu to get us some snowboarding time.  The weather didnt really play ball so we were stuck at Whakapapa for a day and a bit and got no Turoa time (for those of you that are non-snow people Turoa is better for boarding and Whakapapa is better for skiing).  We did get some good runs in and some cool photos taken :)

Monday, July 14, 2014

If you've seen it could you please send it back

My voice that is, someone stole it and left me with barely a whisper. So not fair :( 

So if you've seen my voice please could you ask it to come back, thanks :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Last night before goodbye

Last night with my cutie Dawson before he goes to live with his grandad and grandma. Will miss this lil dude but pretty sure he will be way happier there, and someone needs to be around to take care of pa so it will work out well hehe :)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Proud mum moment

My baby learnt to climb a tree yesterday :) so proud of him :)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Thanks mum and dad

Just wanna say big thanks to mum and dad for giving me two talents that compliment themselves so well. I mean not much goes together better than the talent of walking into things and the talent of bruising easily. 

So thanks :) hehe

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Alcoholic kitten hehe

So it turns out my kitten loves alcohol, well at least he loves vodka and dessert wine haha. Not sure if it's good parenting to have tested this or not but is fun hehe. 

He also likes tea (the drink), cheese, gf cookies, vege crisps yet he doesn't like chocolate. Not quite sure what's gone wrong there but he's young enough we can correct it hehe. 

Not tried him on whiskey yet for those of you who are wondering. Not really wanna share that :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Up, up and away

So am going skydiving on Saturday, should be fun :) and if you don't hear from me after Saturday guess it means died having fun hehe :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Roar, I'm a dinosaur

hehe well not really, but wouldn't it be cool if I (or we) was :) we could wander round munching on food and playing with our tails and chasing each other :) only fun stuff, none of the dying or anything that they did.

Not been up to much lately, got me a kitten about 6 weeks ago, he is mega cute and also loves to chase his tail.  He would make a cool dinosaur to, he would know how to play good :)

Other than Dawson (the kitten) nothing much has been happening.  I am still working at Council in Parks Team, still read and watch dvds more than I probably should and exercise less.

Am hanging out for winter, ready for the cold and the snow :) still not a summer person it would seem. Been pretty wet the past few days which has been nice hehe :)

Not got much else to say, so yeah, enjoy the dinosaur dream which I'm sure you are all stuck in right now hehe :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The blonde-ness strikes again...

Guess who forgot to turn on the switch at the wall................


So mixed result for stereo DIY

The other day my stereo stole my CDs and tonight I decided to get them back!! Turns out it really had stolen them as even trying to pry the cd slot open with a knife wouldn't work so being the good kiwi that I am I took to it with a screwdriver and brute force. 

The good news is I got my CDs back :) but the not so good news is that now the stereo won't even turn on :( so if anyone knows of somewhere out there selling stereos that take 3 or 5 CDs please let me know :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Seems I'm still alive...

I know, who woulda guessed haha :)

Things have been good, got me a new car - Spartacus (Sparty for short) and he is pretty awesome.  He is getting on very well with Bobblehead Darth Vadar which is most important, obviously :)

Still loving living in NP with Bridie, and she aint kicked me out yet which is great, think its cos she likes my parents so much and that might complicate things haha :) will take what I can get hehe.

Not much else has been happening, work is work.  Guided Walks are going well, almost over and none have had to be cancelled which is good.  Also means getting good turn out which makes me happy :)

Went to the Urenui Rodeo yesterday, loved it :) still want me a cowboy, obviously lol.  Maybe not a kiwi one but still a cowboy or atlst someone who suits the cowboy look so I can pretend.  Yup I'm still living in my dream world, not reality and theres nothing you can do about it :p