Sunday, February 23, 2014

Seems I'm still alive...

I know, who woulda guessed haha :)

Things have been good, got me a new car - Spartacus (Sparty for short) and he is pretty awesome.  He is getting on very well with Bobblehead Darth Vadar which is most important, obviously :)

Still loving living in NP with Bridie, and she aint kicked me out yet which is great, think its cos she likes my parents so much and that might complicate things haha :) will take what I can get hehe.

Not much else has been happening, work is work.  Guided Walks are going well, almost over and none have had to be cancelled which is good.  Also means getting good turn out which makes me happy :)

Went to the Urenui Rodeo yesterday, loved it :) still want me a cowboy, obviously lol.  Maybe not a kiwi one but still a cowboy or atlst someone who suits the cowboy look so I can pretend.  Yup I'm still living in my dream world, not reality and theres nothing you can do about it :p

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