Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sore, tired and happy

So holiday is going very well. Had 3 days up the snow, 1 not great weather (very windy) but the other 2 were bluebird conditions (perfect).  

Got me a new board which is good as means I can progress and get better (old board turns out was a kids board which is why I struggled to do anything much on it), the main downside to having it is that getting better hurts lots :( have been falling heaps while working on getting better. Soon though, hopefully, it will pay off and I'll be pretty good :)

Being tired is not so great either, scratched myself this morning while getting dressed, don't ask how as I'm not sure but I do know I have a noticeable scratch on my cheek as evidence lol atlst you no JB will be JB whereever she is :)

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