Friday, January 21, 2011

Sometimes it's all just so awesome

You ever wake up and realise that your life is actually rather awesome?

I have.
- My car (Gerty D) is the cutest little car ever
- My work is not really all that bad (even if sometimes it seems it), it pays the bills and my boss and I get on real well
- Our flat is super nice and cossey and we have loads of fun there
- Though many people think this you do not need a guy to be happy.
- Paying off my student loan is so within reach

Life is all good :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dum Dee Dumm....

Everyone (well mostly everyone) always comments on how I always wear black. First off this is a exageration as I quite often wear colour, especially round home, I just wear black more.

I do think that perhaps I have found the reason for this, well other than the fact that black is just better and I am more comfortable in dark colours. I wore a top with red on it to work yesterday and for some reason everyone decided that they would point it out to me. The amount of 'do you know you are wearing colour' and ' wow you've got red on' that I heard was just crazy. Anyone would think that I hadn't ever worn colour of any kind to work (which I have, take Monday for example I had a dark green top on).

The only people that didnt comment (that normally wouldv'e) was Lesley - she is smarter than that - and Matt. Matt I was fully expecting to comment so when he didnt I was rather surprised. His reasons for not commenting however were so not nice, so I am rather annoyed at him, probably more than if he had made some smart comment like I was anticipating.

Yes boys you cannot win with us females. Say something and it could be bad, say nothing and it's worse :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Christmassy Flat

And yes the decorations are going to stay until they either fade or fall down :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mt Paratutu dawn climb

Climbed Mt Paratutu this morning with Brudda to see the sun rise. So totally worth it (wind was very cold though, so was glad took jersey and wore pants).
Check out some of the photos we took

Saturday, January 1, 2011

haha I'm back!!!!

That's right, I am back again and it's a new year :)

Wahoo 2011 now, and what do you know its the same as 2010 was. Well so far it is.

Anyhow am going to *fingers crossed* be updating this blog again on a semi regular basis so feel free to chack back whenever you feel like it.
New things to note (from last blog all those many months ago), I now live in New Plymouth with Carolyn (my good friend from High School). I work in the filing team at New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) and according to my boss I am never allowed to leave...
The CD's that are stuck in my stereo (cos they are jsut that good that it is hard to take them out) are MCR - Danger Days and Billy Ray Cyrus - Home at Last.
I know have two tattoos, hopefully the first one will be finished off soon, will see how the finances go though.
I hopefully are near to paying off my student loan. Again fingers crossed.
Carolyn and I are going to Melbourne in February for 10 days. Staying with her sister and I hope to catch up with Michelle (she used to work with me at the council) while over there. Oh and shop, shop, shop with some Mini-golf thrown in :)
I am now one of the Guide Leaders of the 9th Inglewood Guides. Shona and I started with around 6 girls in June and when we go back in Feb we will be up to 15. What on earth are we doing right????

There is bound to have been more happen but I cant remember it at the moment.

Enjoy 2011 and catch you all soon