Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's NZ Music Month

NZ music is pretty good right now. Gone are the days when you hear a song on the radio and think 'oh dear god that must be a kiwi song, change the station', now it's the time that when you hear a kiwi song on the radio you think 'crank it up that is awesome'. There are so much good music being made by us kiwis and it is fantastic.

A good example of how much better the music is now is that you find out the artist is kiwi when you google them or hear the DJ's say it or see the NZ on Air logo on their video clip. When I first heard Dane Rumble I assumed he was an overseas artist (as did many of my workmates) cos of how good he was, we were pleasently surprised to find out he was a Kiwi. Same goes for Gin, Kids of 88, Dukes and many more.

So go and enjoy some Kiwi music this month, it is something we should be, and are, very proud of.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Uni Graduate - yup, Smartness - ummm....

You'd think I've lived long enough (esp in Taranaki) to know better.

All through summer I took a coat to work, just in case. Today (its autumn all you northern hemisphere people) it was warm and sunny so I didn't. Didn't take a coat or a warm jersey, cos it was warm and sunny.

Well it got cooler and cooler as the day went on, luckily I work inside (maybe I do have some smarts in there), and wetter.

Walking home I got drenched cos it was raining and I didnt have a coat (remember it was warm and sunny this morning) and cold cos I didnt have a warm jersey (member the warm and sunny bit). Also didnt have shoes (had sandels which I left at work as there is nothing worse than wet slimy sandels - see there's that smartness emerging again :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Crazy Heart

If you are after a movie with a easy to follow plot that has a fantastic soundtrack you should totally go and see Crazy Heart. Of course the great soundtrack applies only of you like country music, if you don't I am pretty sure you will disagree with me.

The plot is basically a country singer (think a has-been but not too sure if he ever really 'made') who is going through the motions of life. He mets a chick (of course this is Hollywood) and keeps going through the motions. So very good and Jeff Bridges not only acts great, but sings great too.

Think the songs sold me on this more than the plot. Garth Brooks may have competition....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

they say Be Careful What You Wish For...

Who are they anyhow, cos they say a lot of things and yet they never say who they are. Maybe they have forgot that themselves, which kinda sucks if you think about it. Imagine not knowing who you are, just that you say a lot of things that other people keep repeating.

Anyway onto the actual post.
When I was a kid I always wanted three things. I would wish for them, and it turns out that some wishes come true.

1. I wanted a bald spot, and not just a tiny little one, but one that could be seen.
2. I wanted to stay shorter than Dad.
3. I wanted to die before Dad.

Number 1 has come true, I indeed do have a bald patch and it is not that small, well it is kinda but it is getting bigger and I can see it even with long hair :)
Number 2 is true, is debatable some days when Dof looks shorter but overall I am shorter, but not by much.
Number 3, well obviously that one aint come true yet, but it is still possible and that is all that really matters, that it stays that way.

Now when mum was little she used to pray for her wish to come true, and it never did. So maybe if you want something to come true you just have to wish for it, not pray, cos obviously it has nothing to do with the fact that her wish was so much more impossible than my three :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Too dark (for once)

Dyed my hair the other weekend, was meant to be dark brown but it has come out black. Not very happy with the outcome, I think that it is too dark.
Yet for some reason, and this is a first, everyone else likes it. Normally I dye my hair and the comments I get are about how my natural colour is much better. This time however everyone seems to think it suits me and loves it. Even Dof says he likes it.

Maybe I really am going crazy....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

You know you're loved when your father smears honey on your arm!

So what have I been up to lately. Other than the usual working reading watching and laughing not much.
Been watching a bit of the olympics on tv, ma and I are so good at the figure skating we could be commentators. We would make a comment then the commentators would comment the same thing, like they read our minds, which makes us super smart as we not even really know that sport at all.
Had to buy a new cell phone (for all you who are wondering why I aint text you my new number its cos the number aint changed). Turns out when a phone starts rattling that aint a good sign.
Have managed to do all that I wanted to do this weekend (and a little more). Wanted to mow the lawns (did fri night), and finish my book (did early-ish sat morn), and the little more is that I finished my second book (just now-ish) so I think I am doing pretty well. Love the series reading at mo (the mortal instuments) just finished book two, got three on my floor, and I am so waiting to be proved right that Clary and Jace aren't brother and sister. If this does not happen I will be rather pissed I think. At least on a possitive side Simon aint so annoying now.

P.S. If you're curious as to whether the title is just something random I wrote or something that happened its the something that happened.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

If I were a penguin...

I would so be the one on the left :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's Easter time :) :) :) :) :)

Easter Eggs are now on sale. And yes this is so far one of the highlights of my year. Normally they go on sale just after Waitangi day but this year, for whatever reason, they are on sale now - just the marshmallow ones and hollow ones not the chocolate button ones but I can handle that. Have been wanting Easter Eggs since about September (good thing Pa has some still in the freezer).

Yay it's Easter time :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gotta love her...

Her being Adrian Phoenix. Not only does she write awesome as books, but she also wrote me a thank you note (handwritten) which arrived in the mail today. Is nice to know that she took the time to not only my email (basically saying I love her books), but she took the time to write a reply.

Finished the last book in the trilogy (The Makers Song, book three was Beneath the Skin (I think)) the other day and without spoiling the ending in case some of you are reading it, it ends great. My characters dont die (well not yet at least), and the couple that you know are going to end up together do not do so in a cheesy way.

Fantastic read, didnt want to leave that world and will return again soon I have a feeling.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Zan's in NZ :)

My friend Zan from UK (meet at Sangam) is on a World Tour which is currently on it's NZ stop. So very kool. She is on a bus tour thingy at the moment but is coming to spend a few days in the Naki next week. Am very excited that will be seeing her again. Even managed to get couple days off work so can chill with Zan and show her around :)

Other great news is that my student loan is under $30,000. Awesome aye?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

And so began the story, like so many others...

Guess you could say that the new year is well under way, although there is still 356 days left, unless somewhere along the line during the year the new year becomes the old year, but I would think that happens when the next one starts, so yes there are 356 days to go so therefore it aint really well under way, it has barely begun.
And yet I am still impressed that I have kept my NY resolution so far. Only the second one I've made that I remember ever, so this is good. Kept the other one too, so I am on a pretty good strike rate if this one is kept, and if not 50% aint bad either.

Zan (a co-volunteer from Sangam) is currently doing a world tour and has landed in NZ. Wahoo :) She is doing a tour for couple weeks then is coming down to see me and Taranaki for a few days so that is exciting. Can't wait :)

Not much else has been happening, have read a few good books, one slow starting but worth sticking it out book, and one that is tough going but has a promising feeling about it. Also lots of kids books to keep my brain matured at just the right level (besides they might be stopping me from becoming one of those serial killers that are so much fun to read about). Also I have now met Dusty Fog and the Ysabel Kid. And I am sure we will meet again soon.

Cheers all, raise your glass and have a toast of many good things to come.