Sunday, February 21, 2010

You know you're loved when your father smears honey on your arm!

So what have I been up to lately. Other than the usual working reading watching and laughing not much.
Been watching a bit of the olympics on tv, ma and I are so good at the figure skating we could be commentators. We would make a comment then the commentators would comment the same thing, like they read our minds, which makes us super smart as we not even really know that sport at all.
Had to buy a new cell phone (for all you who are wondering why I aint text you my new number its cos the number aint changed). Turns out when a phone starts rattling that aint a good sign.
Have managed to do all that I wanted to do this weekend (and a little more). Wanted to mow the lawns (did fri night), and finish my book (did early-ish sat morn), and the little more is that I finished my second book (just now-ish) so I think I am doing pretty well. Love the series reading at mo (the mortal instuments) just finished book two, got three on my floor, and I am so waiting to be proved right that Clary and Jace aren't brother and sister. If this does not happen I will be rather pissed I think. At least on a possitive side Simon aint so annoying now.

P.S. If you're curious as to whether the title is just something random I wrote or something that happened its the something that happened.

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