Saturday, March 13, 2010

they say Be Careful What You Wish For...

Who are they anyhow, cos they say a lot of things and yet they never say who they are. Maybe they have forgot that themselves, which kinda sucks if you think about it. Imagine not knowing who you are, just that you say a lot of things that other people keep repeating.

Anyway onto the actual post.
When I was a kid I always wanted three things. I would wish for them, and it turns out that some wishes come true.

1. I wanted a bald spot, and not just a tiny little one, but one that could be seen.
2. I wanted to stay shorter than Dad.
3. I wanted to die before Dad.

Number 1 has come true, I indeed do have a bald patch and it is not that small, well it is kinda but it is getting bigger and I can see it even with long hair :)
Number 2 is true, is debatable some days when Dof looks shorter but overall I am shorter, but not by much.
Number 3, well obviously that one aint come true yet, but it is still possible and that is all that really matters, that it stays that way.

Now when mum was little she used to pray for her wish to come true, and it never did. So maybe if you want something to come true you just have to wish for it, not pray, cos obviously it has nothing to do with the fact that her wish was so much more impossible than my three :)

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