Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You may not believe in Karma but he sure believes in you!

Over the weekend my dyed and cut my hair. It is now dark brown and I have a fringe. I reckon it makes me look older but I still, apparently, do not look old enough to buy a scratchie (got ID'd today). Is annoying. Atleast I won, and more than normal (was a $3 one, normally only win $5 but today won $8). Wahoo!!!

Anyhow today was a good day. I find that when people ask you how your day was when you get home it don't matter how it went, all you really remember is that last thing that made you happy or mad or sad or whatever. So today was a good day and that is all cos I went home via Inglewood Library, one place that is guarenteed to make me happy. Got some good books (I hope atleast) and had a good chat with Bridget.

Hope your day was good too :)

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