Saturday, December 26, 2009

Done for another year

Christmas is once again over. Seems that it is over quicker than some years (but then I think it feels like September/October-ish so that might have something to do with it) which means that soon it is going to be 2010.
Some important things are happening in 2010, the first of these being that Mum will be able to retire in 10 years time (assuming the law doesnt change in relation to retirement age, which we are assuming).
Schumi will race again which means there is reason to watch f1 again, mostly to make sure he takes out Hamilton if Hamilton doesnt manage to take himself out.
I will hopefully be able to pay of my student loan (fingers crossed on this one and if not 2010 then early 2011 I hope).
I will be turnign 25 (old I know) and to either celebrate or mourn this event there will be a party. You have been warned!

Until then though, look after yourself and enjoy this merry (?) time of year.

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