Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Me again

Hey things are quiet here at the moment as we have a few days off and there is still not a lot of places open, rumor has it that they will be reopening on the 23rd, was the 20th but there have been more swine flu people so has been postponed. We have just finished our biggest event participant-wise (65, Sangam is meant to only book up to 55 so we was rather full and very busy), and the next event is not much smaller (62).

We have some new faces here as the CVPs are arriving. CVPs are part of the Community Volunteer Programme. They live here but work with a Community Partner instead of like me helping with the events and participants.

Yesterday Priyanka taught us (Gwen, Manisha and I) how to ride her scooter (it is a auto so not that hard at all), which was very fun and good to do something new for a change. We drove up and down the driveway, so there is no need to worry about me getting hit by any cars :)

Tomorrow I have no idea what we are going to do but we may go out for a coffee, coffee shops and bars are still open ~ strange enough.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Swine Flu Update

Just incase you are following the Indian news and are wondering what is happening, or just wanna know how much this is affecting a Guiding World Centre here is an update.

Rickshaw drivers do not want to take us foriegners in their rickshaws as we may have swine flu which makes taking participants out hard. We are running a community action event which was going to be centred around the theme education, but the schools are closed due to swine flu. We were going to take the participants to the movies tomorrow night as the event is not what they signed up for no more so that was going to be a going out treat, but now all the cinemas and malls are closed due to swine flu.

There is talk that there is going to be a curfew impossed for everyone, one is already in place for resturants and bars - they have to be closed at 9pm as that is when they get real busy over here and crowded. There is also talk of if things get worse there will be an enforced lockdown...

Lets hope things get better, even if that just means that we get some much needed rain...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ever tried putting your shoes on in the reverse order?

I tried and discovered that I cant. Left foot has to be first... Please tell me Im not the only strange one....

Finally another post :) I have been very busy recently and have jsut had a productive three days off. First we learnt Indian Stick Dancing. This is very fun and not quite as hard as first imagined though it is also not easy. Hopefully this link works - it should show you what we learnt only we learnt the basic steps not the complicated ones

Manisha and I got the bike tyres pumped so that we could ride the bikes. Now this may seem like an easy job but here you soon learn that easy is not something that often happens to be what it should. First we had to find out who knew which bikes were the Sangam bikes not the local staff's bikes, next we had to find the keys to unlock them. When we found out which bikes we could use we did not know that this next step was needed until we went to push them and they wouldn't move. After finding the keys we had to work out how to unlock them (this was the shortest task as only took about 15 mins), and then we had to find the shop that pumped the tyres (for only RS2 which is pretty good). Then we got to go ride :) We rode round the campgroud and driveway (do not entirely trust the tyres to stay up for a long ride yet). Incase you are sitting there thinking that this is probably a day's job, just to let you know we have been working on this since our third week here.

Today we went to Pavarti Hill (where at the top you find Parvati Temple and beautiful views) which was good fun. We took the bus for as far as we could then rickshawed to the base of the steps. Bus is cheaper but much harder to take. The reason for this is that all the destinations are written in Marati (logically considering we live in Maharastria), and seeing as we cannot read Marati this was a small mission. Managed it ok though mostly thanks to Manisha who can read some letters and words and could kinda recognise the bus we wanted. Yay :)

Bollywood Dancing (this is part of my job - to be enthusiastic so that the participants come and have fun to)

Gwen and Manisha at the top of Parvati Temple

Me in my sari (tied Gujarati style so that the Palu can be admired better)