Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sad news and happy news

Well guess shall let you know the sad news first as it is always better to hear/read something good after the bad rather than bad after good, well thats what I think as since I am the one writing you just get to read it the way I want you to, well guess you could skip to the end and then read the start if you really want the good first.

Grandma Miller (dads mum) died on Friday morning. She was 91 so she did rather well and as far as I know it wasn't a painful death which in my opinion is the best thing as no one deserves pain at the end. She will be missed. Hugs to all of you who need some and some to those who just want some :)

Happy news is that my good friend Rochelle got married yesterday. She looked very beautiful and happy. So did her now husband, well he wasnt beautiful more handsome I'd go with. It was a lovely ceremony and reception, although I did not stay for the dance part but I'm sure that was also very good.

Now just for a random bonus news bit, and if anyone dies of shock at this news or almost does I am not to blame, you have been warned. Although I thought it may never happen it has, there is a little kid that is actually cute and not too bad. Admittidly I haven't seen her when she has been screaming but still she is kinda kool. Well done Marianne and Mark :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sangam Guiding World Home

is in India, which is where I will be from June to September. Yup I am off to do some of my O.E., guess you'd call it that as I will be overseas experiencing stuff. I am going to be a Volunteer Program Assistant at Sangam for just under 4 months.
More details coming. . .

Sorry didnt tell many of you by text but was waiting for it to be confirmed and then it was, at the end of the month and there is no money on my phone and less than no money in my bank account as some meanie (look at me being all poilte, mind not so nice) stole my money and has put me in overdraft, damn debit plus card and torchwood. No I not mad, just pissed and annoyed as bank gonna charge me for being overdrawn and it not my fault and realgroovy wont email me back as to whether they at fault or someone else.

But i'm still smylin as no one said that this world is fair or plays nice so I shouldnt expect any more

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hmmm what to say...

So its another Monday, did you notice that? I did as meant had to get up. Some days work feels more like work than it should. Hard to get up, and not interested in work, but guess that is the 'real' world.

Went to Tania's (friend from work) wedding on Saturday, it was real good. Rather wet though so her plan of a garden wedding was changed but it was still very enjoyable and she was very pretty. Going back to Taranaki in few weeks time for Chellz wedding, which will also be very goo I suspect.

Not much else has been happening. Watched Torchwood season two for pa, had to check that the discs were not damaged. It is a very good season and if you are watching it on tv I wont spoil it for you but you are in for a fantastic season finalie (though I may be biased on that it is still very good)