Monday, January 19, 2009

Wow it has been awhile...

Did you think I had disappeared??? Tough, no such luck :)

It seems that not much has been happening since last post but really it has. Christmas is over :) and so is new years. Spent the first with my brudda in Vegas and the second with friends at Whangamata.

Ma and Dofus came to visit the week after new years and that was kool. As a result Ma and I are off to Singapore in July :) very exciting.

Our flat is getting a new flatmate. He is moving in on Thursday and seems like a rather nice guy. Our puppy (who aint really a puppy but he still gets called puppy) is good and listens to me, well when I tell him to sit and stay which in my opinion is the important cammands, especially when the gate is open.

Not much else is happening. I am working far to much and need to learn to start no when I get asked if can work, especially if am already workign 5 or 6 days that week. I am getting better, but not soon enough I don't think.

Hope you are looking after yourself and all your loved ones :)

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