Tuesday, December 23, 2008

No wonder people get cranky this time of year...

At work, thanks entirely to this stupid time of year called Christmas in which I am apparently a humbug, I have had to put up with Christmas music, painful Christmas music, classical and if that is not enough even progressed to Crazy Frog. And they wonder why people get cranky and mean at Christmas time. Atleast work mates know that I am not a very Christmasy person so did not get wished Merry Christmas to much, just to have a good few days off.

On another not so nice note, had my hair dyed - meant to be dark brown and blonde now - and at work the other day (bout week after it was done) was told that I have the most beautiful red hair by a customer. There is meant to be NO red in it!!! Was polite though and said thanks and smiled, my parents brought me up well enough.

Have a great 25th December doing whatever it is you are doing :)

Merry New Year

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