Thursday, November 18, 2021

Bit of fun for you all

I know it's not quite the end of the year yet, but the word search is ready so I thought I would share it with you now.  That and this way I wont forget to put it up for you all lol.

Just so you know there is more than one EIT in there, totally by accident but I'm rolling with it and have decided that for everyone who finds all of them, and sends me proof (ie don't just say how many but say where they are) there is a prize woot woot hehe.

Have fun all :)

Click here for A4 wordsearch (PDF)
This link takes you to a DropBox copy, it might bring up a sign-up thing but if you click on the X it should still give you access to the wordsearch.  The sign-up is for if you want to save a copy to your DropBox.

If you would rather me email you a copy to print just flick me an email and ask :)



Thursday, November 11, 2021

JB has been baking...

So decided I would add a new thing to my blog, and that is recipe reviews.  But only specific recipes, those being ones in the Women’s Institute Home & Country magazine.  What made me think of it was last night I was making a recipe from I think the latest magazine and I thought why not share what I think of it with people.  Then of course I had to think about who to share it with and I decided this venue of sharing was as good as any so you guys get the honour and privilege of getting it shared with you.  I tend to make atlst one recipe per magazine, and there are I think 4 magazines a year so there wont be heaps of recipe reviews coming, no need to panic there lol.

Disclaimer: I am not a baker so if a recipe doesn’t have the ingredients right I am not likely to notice and can’t adjust at first bake time.  Also I bake gluten free so some of these recipes might be all good with normal flour etc.


So anyhow, last night I made Apple Slice.  It was actually really easy to make as well.  I think getting the apples peeled, cored and diced took the longest, well other than the cooking part.  I did think when I was mixing it all together at the end that there was not enough butter mix and that it was going to be very crumbly, however I was pleasantly surprised and while it is crumbly it is no more crumbly than normal gluten free baking.  And even better it was yum as warm and potentially even more yum this morning for morning tea.  That is surprising as most gluten free baking (esp cake like stuff) is definitely better on the day it is baked.  I am not sure how well it will be in a few days time, also not sure if there will be any left for me to find out hehe.  This recipe is definitely getting copied to my recipe book for future baking :) nom nom

The recipe is below, as are some photos cos what is a baking blog post without some photos lol.  Just a wee note, the recipe doesn’t actually say when to add the sugar, I added it with the flour mix but am sure it could just as easily be done with the butter mix.


Apple Slice:

2 cups SR flour
3 Granny Smith apples, cored and peeled (I used Pink Lady I think they were)
1 cup sugar
1 egg
125g butter

Toss diced apples with SR flour in a mixing bowl.
Melt butter in a small saucepan, stir in egg.
Pour butter and egg into apple mixture.
Spoon in to baking paper lined Swiss roll tin (I used a slice tin after googling what at swiss roll tin was lol).
Bake 180 degrees for 35-40 mins.

Supplied to Home & Country Magazine by Rotorua Federation