Sunday, September 19, 2021

It's funny....

It's funny how having a bit of a disposable income can make such a big difference for small things.  When I first moved into my place I didn't really have any disposable income, especially for luxury things like decorating rooms etc.  So I got some curtains for the bdrm from Mum and Dad, those dark-ish red ones, and while I was in the bigger room I tolerated them.  Never loved them but didn't exactly hate them either.  Then I moved to the smaller of the two rooms and the red curtains were not so much of a concern.  Still can't say I loved them but since I wasn't in there much it was all good.  Then last wknd Bro and I swapped the rooms over and I am now back in the bigger room, and by Tuesday I was already over the red curtains, they are icky and just wrong.  So on Friday I went home via Spotlight to get some new ones.  Why wait till Friday you ask, well it was the first night I had a chance to get there lol.  

I think the reason that I didn't hate the curtains at the start was that I couldn't afford to get new ones, even if I wanted too, but now I do so they had to go.  Now the curtains aren't quite the colour that I was aiming for, but they are still way better than red.  I was hoping for a mid-grey shade but the ones that were that shade were too long or too short for what I wanted so I have gone with dark dark grey (or maybe black, depends on the light lol) as they were the right length :) and they are so much better than what was there.

Now some of you may know that I was going to make that room a red/orange/brown-ish kinda room, haha yeah that aint gonna happen.  I don't dislike the colour red but it turns out I really don't like it as a room colour, so the colour scheme is going to change.  I have ideas and thoughts about what I might do but I am not gonna share just yet as the plans and ideas might change before it gets painted.  Am sure I will share the finished room with you all though, cos it will look cool whatever colours I choose :) and don't worry Bro and Dad, Jenny is gonna help me paint it so you two are being spared that task lol.

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