Sunday, September 19, 2021

It's funny....

It's funny how having a bit of a disposable income can make such a big difference for small things.  When I first moved into my place I didn't really have any disposable income, especially for luxury things like decorating rooms etc.  So I got some curtains for the bdrm from Mum and Dad, those dark-ish red ones, and while I was in the bigger room I tolerated them.  Never loved them but didn't exactly hate them either.  Then I moved to the smaller of the two rooms and the red curtains were not so much of a concern.  Still can't say I loved them but since I wasn't in there much it was all good.  Then last wknd Bro and I swapped the rooms over and I am now back in the bigger room, and by Tuesday I was already over the red curtains, they are icky and just wrong.  So on Friday I went home via Spotlight to get some new ones.  Why wait till Friday you ask, well it was the first night I had a chance to get there lol.  

I think the reason that I didn't hate the curtains at the start was that I couldn't afford to get new ones, even if I wanted too, but now I do so they had to go.  Now the curtains aren't quite the colour that I was aiming for, but they are still way better than red.  I was hoping for a mid-grey shade but the ones that were that shade were too long or too short for what I wanted so I have gone with dark dark grey (or maybe black, depends on the light lol) as they were the right length :) and they are so much better than what was there.

Now some of you may know that I was going to make that room a red/orange/brown-ish kinda room, haha yeah that aint gonna happen.  I don't dislike the colour red but it turns out I really don't like it as a room colour, so the colour scheme is going to change.  I have ideas and thoughts about what I might do but I am not gonna share just yet as the plans and ideas might change before it gets painted.  Am sure I will share the finished room with you all though, cos it will look cool whatever colours I choose :) and don't worry Bro and Dad, Jenny is gonna help me paint it so you two are being spared that task lol.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Am still alive, maybe not sane though....

So thought I would let you all know that I am all good and that I survived the latest lockdown.  Somehow it seemed as long as the first which was weird, and it was definitely not as fun as the first one, maybe cos it was no longer a novel experience or maybe cos work was different and less flexible.  I started at EIT the week before we went into lockdown, so have now done more days of my job from home than I have from campus (but this shall be corrected now we are in level 2, yay).  Work was not as flexible as Radio Kidnappers was as am in the Help Desk so there were phones and emails to man and keep an eye on, and we kept our standard hours.  However unlike Kidnappers I was done for the day at finishing time and so didn’t work in the evenings or wknds.

I was going to post during lockdown but then just kept thinking ‘oh I will do it at the end, this wont last long’, but it did last long-ish.  And I am also good at procrastinating so that is another reason why it never got done lol.

Shall do a bit of an update for you all.  Some of you will know bits of the following, some won’t, some might have forgotten.  So feel free to skim bits if you already know it or just cant be bothered reading it.

I am now working at EIT (Eastern Institute of Technology).  It is the Hawke’s Bay polytechnic, and has two main campuses, the main one is in Taradale in Napier which is where I work and the other is in Gisborne (Tairawhiti campus).  There are also some smaller campuses in Hastings, Central HB and Auckland.  I work in the IT Support Team, aka the IT Help Desk.  It is a team of 7 (this includes our team leader and intern).  It’s a pretty good team, has its work hard moments and also the joke around have some fun moments, which all teams should have I think.  Seems like it is going to be a good place to work, which is cool.  You never really know when you interview what it is actually going to be like working somewhere.

Crafting wise I have finished a couple of projects, am pondering on one and started some new ones.  I finally finished the scarf that I started, oh probably about 3 winters ago…. It looks pretty cool, and is nice and snug.  I bleached a pair of jeans that I bought cos I liked the fit of them and hoped I would grow to like the dark blue colour, turns out I didn’t so I decided to bleach them over lockdown.  Was an interesting afternoon’s worth of activity and now the jeans look real cool so I’m super happy.  They are a bit patterned from the bits that bleached less than others but I think it looks cool.  I have also crocheted a hat twice, and unpicked it twice…. It just isn’t working out how I want it too, or its me not suiting the style I am trying to do, so it has now been put aside while I ponder it some more.  I found my french knitting spool thing while sorting out my craft desk during lockdown so am doing a something with that as well, its going to be purple and hopefully a hat, time will tell on whether this hat works out or not.  I also finished my poncho that I made last winter, and was mostly happy with it but it just needed a bit of tweaking, so I did the tweaking and its now much better, the tweaking was adding a collar lol.  I have a couple of sewing projects waiting for me to bring my sewing machine back out and another crochet project waiting for me to start it, I am just finalising that one in my head first lol.