Friday, January 8, 2021

It has been an interesting week….

It started off like any other, well actually no it didn’t cos Monday was a public holiday – yay :) did I do much on my extra day off…?  Now that is a very good question, and one you should have asked a few days ago cos I have no idea now lol.  Work was good on Tuesday, felt like forever ago that I had last seen Ken but it was really only four days.  We still had a good catch up of course cos that is who we are.  Pretty sure Wednesday was much the same, work was work, you know the drill.  Thursday was Glenny’s birthday, well technically our anniversary but we celebrate it as his bday cos we can.  He had a great day, mine was all good too so he must have wanted me to have a good day.  Am sure he came to play a few times though, but that’s ok cos it was his bday so he got to do what he wanted.  It was a pretty big milestone bday as well, the big three oh :D I know, huge right.  Or is it scary, that we have been getting up to mischief for that long…. I’ll let you decide hehe. Today at work I managed to restart every computer, including the one that runs the station.  I am actually a tiny bit proud of how well done it was, well I was once the ‘oh crap we are off air and I can’t play music in any of the studios to cover it cos those computers are all restarting as well’ had passed.  It shall go down as a lesson learned, basically when you update your virus protection (as you were asked to do by the provider) and it now has a nice pretty admin screen that says a bunch of computers are not protected cos there is an update and to restart them to make them protected again, and there is a pretty restart all button… it may pay to check which computers are the 9 that are listed before clicking on it… just saying lol.  Am now watching free dance (ice skating) from the last winter Olympics and I’m pretty sure I could do it, if I just had some rhythm/balance/flexibilty/grace/talent lol

Not got much planned for the wknd, got BDS book group tomorrow lunchtime then heading out to dinner with Jenny as there is a pub we have heard is good so we figure we gotta do our bit and give it a try.  It’s out the back of Napier in a tiny little country town, but not far out of Napier so we are intrigued.  Sunday I shall see, I have no plans at the moment but that doesn’t mean I won’t have any come Sunday :)

Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 in books

I was wondering how best to do my 2020 summary, there was a lot that went on after all, and ended up deciding to do it in books, cos why not.  So obviously the below is for all of 2020, and the pie graph is thanks to Aunty Pam for asking for another one (first one appeared in a back issue of the JB Times).

Total books read - 70
Total pages read - 23,641
Shortest book - 70 pages (The Perfect Shadow by Brent Weeks, a novella)
Longest book - 768 pages (The Fireman by Joe Hill)
Signed books received - 3 (one from a book launch, one from winning an international competition (yes I am still sometimes lucky) and one cos I know the author)
New authors discovered and now love - many
Most popular genre read - Fantasy (duh)
Surprise second place genre - Non-Fiction (didn't expect that one)
Books bought but not read yet - 40 (whoops, my eyes in bookstores are bigger than my free time lol)

My overall reading habits of 2020 based on genre :)