Wednesday, July 8, 2020

A Study In Literacy

So, I have started a new radio show with a friend where every week we chat about things to do with literacy.  Why literacy you ask, well we decided that just limiting it to books could be a bit confining so we opened it up to be more broad.  Now I can definitely guarantee that we will go off topic at times, and that it is not going to be highly edited as I do get quite wrapped up in the conversation, but as we decided to do it like a conversation style this is part of the charm of it.  

The first episode is up now, but from next week they will go up on a Saturday at 5pm which is when it airs.  If you would like to listen to it on the radio you can either listen live online at or if you live in Hawke's Bay you can tune in at 104.7FM or 1431AM.  If you prefer to listen at your convenience then the podcast is for you.  You can find it on our website, here is the direct link :)

Some times we will be going live to air, as our schedules permit it.  If you would like me to let you know when we will be doing this please let me know.

Enjoy :)

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