Thursday, July 30, 2020

A quiz for a 35th

Since it is my birthday (very very soon) I thought I would give you all a present, hehe actually it’s a present for me and hopefully fun for you.  Here is a quiz about me, good luck everyone :) 

There are certain questions that if you get wrong I will make a mental black X next to your name, there are also certain questions that if you get right I will attach mental balloons and streamers to your name :)

I am open to bribes, if you are considering that please go ahead.  I might even add bonus points for my fav bribes :) hehe.

You may send me your answers however you like: email, snail mail, text, other form of phone message, phone call, in person – however if you try sending by morse code or semaphore I am very very rusty on these so things may get lost in translation lol


Also, I do not expect anyone to get 100%, there are a variety of questions so that everyone should be able to get a few points :) I’m just kind like that.


PS – it’s out of 60.  Does that help? Nope I didn’t think so :p 



1)    What is my full name?  I will accept any of the legal names I’ve had, and bonus points if you can name them all.

2)    What is Glenny’s full name?

3)    What is Cleo’s full name?

4)    Do I prefer baking or cooking?

5)    What is my favourite music radio station?

6)    Who is Glenny’s brother?

7)    There are two Capes of Awesomeness in the world, I have one, who has the other?

8)    What is my favourite colour?

9)    What is Glenny’s favourite colour?

10) I collect 3 main things, what are they?  (a point for each one correct one)

11) Where do I work? 

12) I have qualifications for 4 main areas, what is the one I have not yet worked in?

13) Which NRL team do I support?

14) Am I a Ford Girl or a Holden Girl?

15) Where was I going to go for my 35th birthday pressie to myself before Covid-19 happened (hint, it was overseas somewhere)?

16) When does the countdown for my birthday officially start (will accept either the date or the amount of days, bonus points if you list both)? 

17) What is my favourite vegetable?

18) Which city did I live in in Scotland?

19) Why did I go to India? (there are two reasons, you only need to list one but bonus points if you list both).

20) I have licences to drive two types of vehicles, what are they? (one point for each)

21) How many book clubs do I currently belong to?

22) What are my favourite numbers? (there are three of them if that helps)

23) I am on the committee for two clubs/groups, name one of them? (bonus points if you can name both)

24) Which character do I voice for the show Kids Time at work?

25) What is my theme tune for any music show I do at work? (will accept just the title, you do not need to know the artist)

26) Who is my favourite cricketer? (hint, he doesn’t play anymore but is still my fav)

27) In Hart of Dixie do I prefer George or Wade? (ok so that is a little mean but you have a 50/50 chance so it’s not really totally mean)

28) In my words, how tall am I?

29) Do I prefer to knit or crochet?

30) What vegetable do I never have, by choice, in my house because they are evil and gross (tramping meals excluded cos they come with them, ick yuck)?

31) What size Panthers top did I buy Glenny? (hint, it’s a kids size)

32) If I could have a super power, what would I want?

33) JB stands for 2 things, what is one of them? (bonus points if you can name them both)

34) Where is the one place in NZ that I want to live but haven’t yet? (hint, it’s in the South Island)

35) How awesome am I? 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

A Study In Literacy

So, I have started a new radio show with a friend where every week we chat about things to do with literacy.  Why literacy you ask, well we decided that just limiting it to books could be a bit confining so we opened it up to be more broad.  Now I can definitely guarantee that we will go off topic at times, and that it is not going to be highly edited as I do get quite wrapped up in the conversation, but as we decided to do it like a conversation style this is part of the charm of it.  

The first episode is up now, but from next week they will go up on a Saturday at 5pm which is when it airs.  If you would like to listen to it on the radio you can either listen live online at or if you live in Hawke's Bay you can tune in at 104.7FM or 1431AM.  If you prefer to listen at your convenience then the podcast is for you.  You can find it on our website, here is the direct link :)

Some times we will be going live to air, as our schedules permit it.  If you would like me to let you know when we will be doing this please let me know.

Enjoy :)